Search and Replace dialog boxes

These dialog boxes enable you to find and replace text strings in Vuser scripts and solutions.

Search dialog box

To open the Search dialog box, select Search > Quick Find or Search > Find in Files.

Note: VuGen’s Find mechanism does not perform a cyclic search and will stop when it reaches the end of the last file in the specified scope.

To perform another search, click Find Next at the end of the search.

User interface elements are described below (unlabeled elements are shown in angle brackets). Some of the UI elements in the table below only appear in the Quick Find dialog box, while others only appear in the Find in Files dialog box:

UI Element
<Search-type drop-down>

Enables you to specify the type of search to perform: Quick Find or Find in Files.

Note: The Search dialog box user interface changes depending on the selection.

Find text
The text or expression to search for.
Shows the Regular Expression Builder. The Regular Expression Builder enables you to build a regular expression in the Find text box.
Regular Expression Indicates that the Find text string is a regular expression.
The scope of the search: Selection, Current Action, Current Script, or Entire Solution. You move the slide bar to indicate your selection.
Include in search
Indicates the entities to include in the search: Code editor, snapshots, and logs.
Directory For a "Find in Files" search, the folder that contains the files to be searched.
Options Additional search options, such as case and whole word matching, or the direction of the search (for a Quick Find search).
Find Next
Finds the next occurrence of the text or regular expression in the Find text box.
Find All
Finds all occurrences of the text or regular expression that appears in the Find text box. The results appear in the Search Results pane. In the Search Results pane, you can:
  • Display the results by file, or as a flat list.
  • Right-click an entry and select Locate to show the corresponding text in the Vuser script or wherever it is located.
  • Right-click an entry and select Copy to copy the selected search result to the clipboard.
  • Right-click and select Copy All to copy all the search results to the clipboard.

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Replace dialog box

To open the Replace dialog box, select Search > Quick Replace.

User interface elements are described below:

UI Element
Find text
Specify the text to search for.
Shows the Regular Expression Builder. The Regular Expression Builder enables you to build a regular expression in the Find text box.
Regular Expression Select Regular Expression to indicate that the Find text string is a regular expression.
Replace with The text that will replace the Find text.
The scope of the search: Selection, Current Action, Current Script, or Entire Solution. You move the slide bar to indicate your selection.
Options Enables you to specify search options, such as case and whole word matching, or the direction of the search.
Find Next
Finds the next occurrence of the text or regular expression in the Find text box.
Replace Replaces the selected text with the text in the Replace with box.

Replace All

Replaces all found occurrences of the text or regular expression in the Find text box with the text in the Replace with box.

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Incremental search

The incremental search method searches for the specified value at evenly spaced intervals.

To begin incremental searching, press Ctrl+E or select Search > Incremental Search. The floating icon appears, to indicate that the feature is active. The search begins at the cursor position.

As you type each character, the matching text is highlighted. If some text is already highlighted, it is included in the search string.

Additional guidelines are:

  • If you enter only lower case letters, the search is not case sensitive. If you enter an upper case letter, the search is case sensitive.

  • Ctrl+Shift+E or Search > Reverse Incremental Search starts searching up.

  • Escape or Enter ends the search.

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