Start Recording dialog box
This dialog box enables you to record your business process.
To access |
Record Note: For some scripts, this button is the Design Script button. See the relevant protocol reference pages for information on using the design script options. |
Important information |
This dialog box is dynamic and changes according to the options you select and the protocol you are using.
User interface elements are described below:

For most protocols, the Start Recording dialog box contains some or all of the options below.
For additional Java Record Replay protocol options, see Java Record Replay protocol.
For Kafka protocol options, see Kafka protocol.
For DevWeb protocol options, see Recording DevWeb protocol scripts.
UI Element | Description |
Record into action |
The section of the script into which you want to record. You can choose one of the built-in action sections: vuser_init (for initialization steps), Action (for repeatable steps), or vuser_end (for sign off steps). If you want to record into an existing action, select it in the dropdown list. Note:
Record |
Select the mode to use to record your business process. Possible options include:
Application |
Web Browser recording mode:
Windows Application recording mode:
Note: To run a batch file (a file with a .bat extension), specify Web Browser via Extension recording mode:
Program arguments |
The command line arguments for the executable file specified in Recorded application. For example, if you specify
plus32.exe (recorded application) with the command line options peter@neptune , it connects the user Peter to the server Neptune when starting plus32.exe . |
URL address |
The starting URL address.
Listening IP |
Select the IP for the required listening connection, if you do not want to use Default. This may be required if the default network interface is blocked in your environment, for example, due to security policies. Note: The Listening IP option is supported for hook-based recording only. |
Start Recording setting (For Internet protocols only) |
You can record your business process either:
Working directory |
For applications that require you to specify a working directory. A working directory is necessary only if your application must know the location of the working directory (for example, reading property files or writing log files). For some protocols, the default is the local <installdir>\bin directory. |
Recording Options |
Opens the Recording Options dialog box. For user interface details, see Recording options.
Start Recording button |
Begins immediate recording of your business process actions. When creating a script using a captured traffic file, the button starts the analyzing of your captured file. |
Delayed Start button |
Opens the target browser or application and the recording toolbar, but does not record your actions until you initiate recording. |

When the Record mode is set to Remote Application via Proxy, the following additional options are displayed in the Start Recording dialog box.
For more information, see Record using a proxy.
UI Element | Description |
Proxy listens on port |
The port on which the proxy will listen. |
Proxy IP |
Enables you to select a specific IP for the proxy to use. Default: All |
OpenText Professional Performance Engineering uses network interface |
For Network Virtualization, enables you to select a network interface if there is more than one interface defined on the VuGen machine. |
Display recording toolbar on client machine | Enables you to interact with the recording toolbar on the client machine. |

When the Record mode is set to Captured Traffic File Analysis, the following additional options are displayed in the Start Recording dialog box.
For more information, see Create a Vuser script by analyzing a captured traffic file.
UI Element | Description |
Captured file |
Locate your capture file. The file can be in format .har, .pcap, .cap, or .saz (Fiddler). For details about creating a capture file in a Windows, Linux, or mobile environment, using an external tool such as Wireshark, see Create a PCAP file. |
Client side filter |
The IP address of the client whose traffic you want to examine. VuGen typically detects the client side filter by analyzing the capture file. Tip: Use the recording options to set a server side filter (Recording > Recording Options > Network > Mapping and Filtering). |
SSL Attributes |
This option is visible only after you select a .pcap or .saz capture file that contains SSL data and requires a certificate. Provides a list of the SSL attributes for the servers being analyzed. Use the Add, Edit, and Remove buttons to manage the entries. The Add button opens the Add SSL Attribute dialog box, allowing you to add a server and specify its IP address, port, certificate file, and password if required. This list is not available for .har files—instead, configure the SSL through Fiddler. |

The following describes options in the Start Recording dialog box that are specific to recording a DevWeb protocol script. The actual options displayed depend on your selections.
For more information, see Record and replay DevWeb scripts in VuGen.
UI Element | Description |
Record into action |
Displays the only available option, Main. |
Record |
Select the mode to use to record your business process: Web Browser via DevWeb Proxy. Enables you to records events on the local machine into a HAR file, using the DevWeb Proxy Recorder. An executable DevWeb script is then automatically generated from the HAR file. Remote Application via DevWeb Proxy. Enables you to records events on a remote machine into a HAR file, using the DevWeb Proxy Recorder. An executable DevWeb script is then automatically generated from the HAR file. Captured Traffic File Analysis. Enables the generation of a DevWeb Vuser script from an existing HAR file. |
DevWeb Proxy listens on port | Displays the default port. Change as relevant. |
DevWeb Proxy IP | Leave blank to use the default value, or select an option from the dropdown list. |
Captured file | Browse to the HAR file location, or enter the path to the file. |
Level | Select the required script level, to generate a URL-based script, or pages with a resource-based script. |

The following describes options in the Start Recording dialog box that are specific to recording a Java Record Replay protocol script. The actual options displayed depend on your selections.
For more information, see Java Record Replay protocol.
UI Element | Description |
Record |
URL address |
The URL to start recording (for Internet Explorer recordings).
Parameters |
Any additional parameters that your application requires.
Main Class |
The complete path of the Java class with the main method.
Note: This option is only present for Java Application type applications. |
Applet path |
This option is only present for Java applets.
Internet Explorer path |
This option is only present for Internet Explorer type applications.
Executable\Batch |
This option is only present for Executable\Batch type applications. Note: The executable's jar file must be unzipped. |

The following describes the options in the Start Recording dialog box that are specific to recording a Kafka protocol script.
For more information, see Record a Kafka script.
UI Element | Description |
Configuration |
The configuration file that defines the properties of the Kafka consumer.
Topics |
The list of Kafka topics to which the consumer will subscribe. Consumers can subscribe to a topic in order to process the stream of events produced to the topic. Add. Adds a new line to the list in which to enter a topic. Remove. Removes the selected topic from the list. Clear. Clears all topics from the list. |
See also: