GUI properties > Web event configuration recording options

Enables you to set the level of detail recorded in a script (web event recording).

To access
Record > Recording Options > GUI Properties > Web Event Configuration
Important information
This node is available only for specific protocols. For a complete list of protocols and their associated nodes, see Protocol compatibility table.

User interface elements are described below:

UI Element
Basic Event Configuration Level
  • Always records click events on standard web objects such as images, buttons, and radio buttons.

  • Always records the submit event within forms.

  • Records click events on other objects with a handler or behavior connected.

  • Records the mouseover event on images and image maps only if the event following the mouseover is performed on the same object.

Custom Settings
Opens the Custom Web Event Recording Configuration dialog box, where you can customize the event recording configuration.
High Event Configuration Level
In addition to the objects recorded in the Medium level, it records mouseover, mousedown, and double-click events on objects with handlers or behaviors attached.
Medium Event Configuration Level
In addition to the objects recorded in the Basic level, it records click events on the <DIV>, <SPAN>, and <TD> HTML tag objects.