New Rule pane

Enables you to define a new custom rule.

To access
Record > Recording Options > Correlation > Rules > New Rule
Important information
This pane is available only for specific protocols. For a complete list of protocols and their associated nodes, see the Protocol compatibility table.

User interface elements are described below:

UI Element
Specify the type of action for the rule from the following options:
  • Search for Parameters in all of the Body Text. Searches the entire body—not just links, form actions or cookies. It searches the text for a match using the borders that you specify.

  • Search for parameters inlinks and form actions. Searches within links and forms' actions for the text to parameterize. This method is for application servers where you know the context rules. You define a left boundary, a right boundary, an alternate right boundary, and an instance of the left boundary within the current link.

  • Search for Parameters from cookie headers. Similar to the previous rule, except that the value is extracted from cookie text (exactly as it appears in the recording log) instead of from a link or form action.

  • Parameterize form field value. Saves the named form field value to a parameter. It creates a parameter and places it in the script before the form's action step. For this option, you need to specify the field name.

  • Text to enter a web_reg_add_cookie function by method inserts a web_reg_add_cookie function if it detects a certain string in the buffer. It only adds the function for those cookies with the specified prefix. For this option, you need to specify the search text and the cookie prefix.

Scan Type The scan type: Regular Expression, Boundary Based, XPath query, or JSON query.
RegExp String A regular expression to which this rule will apply. This element only applies to a Regular Expression scan type.
Left boundary
The left-most boundary where the rule will apply. This element only applies to Boundary Based scan type.
Right boundary
The right-most boundary where the rule will apply. Use the drop-down menu to define this boundary as either the end of a string, a newline character, or a user-defined text. The element only applies to Boundary Based scan type.
XPath query An XPath expression to which this rule will apply. This element only applies to a XPath query scan type. When VuGen detects a value that matches this expression, it creates a web_reg_save_param_xpath function.
JSON query A JSON query expression to which this rule will apply. This element only applies to a JSON query scan type. When VuGen detects a value that matches this expression, it creates a web_reg_save_param_json function. For details about creating a JSON query, see Internet resources on JSONPath expressions.
Parameter prefix
Uses a prefix in all automatically generated parameters based on this rule. Prefixes prevent you from overwriting existing user parameters. In addition, prefixes allow you to recognize the parameter in your script. For example, in Siebel Web, one of the built-in rules searches for the Siebel_row_id prefix.
Match Case
Matches the case when looking for boundaries.
Use '#' for any digit
Replaces all digits with a hash sign. The hash signs serve as wildcard, allowing you to find text strings with any digit.
Example: If you enable this option and specify ABC### as the left boundary,ABC193 and ABC284 are valid matches.
This element only applies to boundary based scan type.

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