.NET Recording Filter pane [.NET protocol]

This pane enables you to manage .NET filters, only visible for .NET protocol scripts.

UI Example
To access View > .NET Recording Filter or the Show .NET Recording Filter toolbar button .
See also

User interface elements are described below (unlabeled elements are shown in angle brackets):

UI Element
<Filter List>
A list of the recording filters.
  • Environments. Built-in system filters for .NET Remoting, ADO.NET, Enterprise Services, and WCF (Windows Communication Foundation).
  • Custom filters. Filters that you created manually for this script. To create a custom filter, click New.
<Filter Tree>
The Filter tree uses symbols to illustrate the elements and their status. For details about each of the icons, see the table below.
  • Element icons represent the type of element—assembly, namespace, class, method, structure, property, events, or interfaces.

  • A check mark or X adjacent to the element icon, indicates whether or not the element is included or excluded.

  • A bold element indicates that it was explicitly included or excluded. This may be a result of being manually included or excluded by the user or by a pre-defined rule in the environment filter. If you reset a bold node, it returns to its original, non-bold state.

Opens the Create a New Filter dialog box, in which you create an empty filter or a new filter based on an existing one. For more information, see Create a New Filter dialog box [.NET protocol].
Saves the changes you made to filter.
Deletes the selected custom filter. The filter pane prompts you for a confirmation.
Add Reference

Opens the Add Reference dialog box with a list of .NET Framework components or assemblies in the Public Assemblies folder. For more information, see Add Reference dialog box [.NET protocol].

Note: If you add a reference to a DLL for a .NET filter, VuGen adds it to the script's reference list only if the script accesses the DLL's methods during recording.

Remove Reference

Removes the assembly that is selected in the Filter pane and disables all of the rules associated with it. All disabled rules are enabled after adding the reference to this assembly once again. The Filter mechanism prompts you for a confirmation.

Include. Includes the selected element. If you manually include a parent node, the filter mechanism includes the child elements below it, provided that no other rule exists. For example, if you include a class, it will include all its methods unless you specifically excluded a method.

Exclude. Excludes the selected element. The child elements are also excluded unless they were included by another rule. By default, when you exclude a class, the filter mechanism applies the Exclude attribute to the class, but it allows the recording engine to record activity within the methods of the excluded class. When you exclude a method, however, the filter mechanism applies Totally Exclude, preventing the recording engine from recording any activity within the methods of the excluded class. Advanced users can modify these setting in the filter file.

Reset. Removes the manual inclusion or exclusion rule. In this case, the element may be impacted by other parent elements.
The inclusion and exclusion rules have the following properties:
  • The rules are hierarchical—if you add an include or exclude rule to a class, then the derived classes will follow the same rule unless otherwise specified.

  • A rule on a class only affects its public methods, derived classes, and inner classes.

  • A rule on a namespace affects all the classes and their public methods.

  • Note that adding or removing assemblies does not necessarily affect the classes that they contain—you can remove an assembly, yet its methods may be recorded due to the hierarchical nature of the filter.

  • As part of the filter design, several methods, such as .cctor() and Dispose(bool), do not follow the standard hierarchical rules.

Note: The resetting of a parent node does not override a manual inclusion or exclusion applied to a child node. For example, if you manually exclude a method, and then reset its class, which by default included all sub-nodes, your method remains excluded.

Properties and events are view-only and cannot be included or excluded through the .NET Recording Filter pane. In addition, several system related elements are protected and may not be altered.
For tips about including and excluding elements in the filter, see Guidelines for setting .NET filters.
Navigate. Navigates to the previous or next tree node visited by the user.

Show non-public items. By default, the filter tree shows only public classes and class members. By clicking this button, you instruct the tree view to display non-public items.

If you include a class which contains non-public items, they are not added to the filter automatically. You must explicitly include each non-public item to the filter.

Impact Log
Opens the Impact log for the selected filter. The Impact log shows which nodes in the tree were affected by recent actions.

The following table shows the filter tree icons that represent the various elements:

assembly that couldn't be loaded
assembly that was partially loaded
static method
static constructor
static event

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