Server Entry - Port Mapping dialog box

Enables you to define a server from the server list in the network port mapping node.

To access
Record > Recording Options > Network: Mapping and Filtering > Port Mapping > New Entry / Edit Entry
Important information
This dialog box is available only for specific protocols. For a complete list of protocols and their associated nodes, see Protocol compatibility table.

User interface elements are described below:

UI Element
Socket Service
Target Server
The IP address or host name of the target server for which this entry applies.
Default value: Any Server.
The port of the target server for which this entry applies. Entering 0 specifies all ports.
If you do not specify all of the port and server names, VuGen uses the following priorities in assigning data to a service:
  • Priority 1: port and server specified

  • Priority 2: port not specified, server specified

  • Priority 3: port specified, server not specified

  • Priority 4: port and server not specified

A map entry with a high priority does not get overridden by an entry with a lower priority. For example, if you specify that traffic on server twilight using port 25 be handled as SMTP and then you specify that all servers on port 25 be handled as HTTP, the data will be treated as SMTP.
  • Forced mapping. If you specify a mapping for a port number, server name, or combination server:port, VuGen forces the network traffic to use that service. For example, if you were to specify <Any> server on port 80 to use FTP, VuGen uses the FTP protocol to record that communication, even though the actual communication may be HTTP. In this instance, the Vuser script might be empty.

Service ID
A protocol or service name used by the recorder to identify the type of connection (for example, HTTP or FTP). You can also specify a new name. The name may not exceed 8 characters.
Service Type
The type of service, currently set to TCP.
Record Type
The type of recording—directly or through a proxy server.
Connection Type
The security level of the connection: Plain (non-secure), SSL, or Auto. If you select Auto, the recorder checks the first 4 bytes for an SSL signature. If it detects the SSL signature, it assumes that SSL is being used.
SSL Configuration
SSL Version
The preferred SSL version to use when communicating with the client application and the server.
Default value: SSL 2/3. However some services require SSL 3.0 only or SSL 2.0 only. Some new wireless applications require the Transport Layer Security algorithm TLS 1.x, or ALPN.
SSL Ciphers
The SSL cipher to use when connecting with a remote secure server.
  • To enable OpenSSL to choose the default cipher automatically, select (Default OpenSSL Ciphers) in the dropdown list .
  • To define your own cipher and add it to the dropdown list, select (New SSL Cipher) and type in the cipher string.
  • To remove a user-defined cipher, select the cipher in the list and click the button.

For more information on OpenSSL cipher strings, refer to the OpenSSL Cipher documentation.

Use specified client-side certificate

The default client-side certificate to use when connecting to a remote server. Specify or browse for a certificate file in txt, crt, or pem format, and supply a password.

Note: If the specified client certificate is not accepted by the server during recording or replay, the server may require a certificate chain. For details on creating a merged certificate chain file, see Client certificate is not accepted.

Use specified proxy-server certificate
The default server certificate to present to client applications that request a server certificate. Specify or browse for a certificate file in txt, crt, or pem format, and supply a password. Click Test SSL to check the authentication information against the server.

Set a custom Server Name Indication (SNI) in the TLS ClientHello message, if a specific target server and port are defined. By default, the SNI is set to the value defined in the Target Server field.

Note: If Target Server is set to Any Server, this option is disabled.

To send a ClientHello message without an SNI, check the Set SNI checkbox and leave the text field empty.

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