Recording properties > Recorder options - recording options

Enables you to set the Java protocol to record as well as other protocol specific recording options.

To access
Record > Recording Options > Recording Properties > Recorder Options
Important information
This node is available only for specific protocols. For a complete list of protocols and their associated nodes, see Protocol compatibility table.

User interface elements are described below:

UI Element Description
Byte Array Format
The format of byte arrays in a script: Regular, Unfolded Serialized Objects, or Folded Serialized Objects. Use one of the serialized object options when recording very long byte arrays.
Default value: Regular.
Bytes as Characters
Displays readable characters as characters with the necessary casting—not in byte or hexadecimal form.
Default value: enabled.
Comment Lines Containing
Comment out all lines in the script containing one of the specified strings. To specify multiple strings, separate the entries with commas.
Default value: Any line with a string containing <undefined> is commented out.
Extensions List
A comma separated list of all supported extensions. Each extension has its own hooks file.
Default value: JNDI.
Insert Functional Check
Inserts verification code that compares the return value received during replay, to the expected return value generated during recording. This option only applies to primitive return values.
Default value: disabled.
Load Parent Class Before Class
Change the loading order so that parent classed are loaded before child classes. This helps identify hooking for trees with deep inheritance.
Default value: enabled.
Record Callback
Records the VuGen stub object as a callback. If disabled, VuGen records the original class as the callback.
Default value: enabled.
Recorded Protocol
Specifies which protocol to record, For supported protocols, see Supported Java communication protocols.
Default value: RMI.
Remove Lines Containing
Remove all lines containing one of the specified strings from the script. To specify multiple strings, separate the entries with commas. This feature is useful for customizing the script for a specific testing goal.
Unreadable Strings as Bytes
Represents strings containing unreadable characters as byte arrays. This option applies to strings that are passed as parameters to invocations.
Default value: enabled.
Forces JVM to use the _JAVA_OPTION environment variable, which contains the required JVM parameters.
Default value: disabled.
Use DLL hooking to attach LoadRunner support
Use DLL hooking to automatically attach OpenText Professional Performance Engineering support to any JVM.