New Web Service Call dialog box
This dialog box lets you create and configure a new Web Service call.
To access |
Open a Web Service Vuser script and then click SOA Tools > Add Service Call or click the Add Service Call button
![]() |
Important Information |
To access the Web Service call properties for existing Web Service calls, select a step in the Step Navigator and choose Properties from the shortcut menu.
Relevant tasks |
User interface elements are described below (unlabeled elements are shown in angle brackets):
UI Element
<service argument tree> (left pane) |
An expandable tree hierarchy of the Service containing the following nodes:
<parameter values> (right pane) |
Enables you to set and select values for each of the left pane's nodes.
Select Web Service Call |
Lets you set the following items:

Allows you to generate sample values for the operation's input arguments and add attachments.
User interface elements are described below:
UI Element
Method |
The name of the selected operation (read-only).
Description |
Free text area for entering a description of the service.
Attachments |
Handles input and output attachments:
Step properties |
Lists the following service call properties and their values:

User interface elements are described below:
UI Element
HTTP/S Transport |
Sets the transport method to HTTP or HTTPS transport.
Async Support |
Marks the Web Service call as an asynchronous message activated by an event:
Async Event. An arbitrary name for the event.
Note: Add a Web Service Wait For Event step to the script, to instruct the replay engine to wait for the event.
WSA Support |
Enables WS-Addressing. Use one of the following options for a reply:
Tip: To use WS-Addressing calls in synchronous mode, leave the Async Event box empty. In Script view, remove the AsyncEvent argument. This instructs the replay to block script execution until the complete response is received from the server. |
JMS Transport |
Sets the transport method to JMS for synchronous messages. For details, see Test Web Service transport layers overview. Note: For JMS asynchronous messages, manually add a JMS Send Message Queue or JMS Receive Message Queue step to the script, to set up the message queue information. |
Override JMS Queues |
Enables you to provide the request and response queues.
Request Queue |
The queue name for the request message.
Response Queue |
The queue name for the response message.

Lets you specify additional application-generated header elements to include in the SOAP envelope of an HTTP message. For task details, see Add content.
User interface elements are described below:
UI Element
Edit |
Opens an XML editor that lets you view and edit the SOAP header XML code.
Import |
Opens the Select XML File to Import dialog box.
Export |
Opens the Export SOAP Header into File dialog box.
Opens the Select or Create New Parameter dialog box.
Use SOAP Header |
Includes a SOAP header in the HTTP request.
Header |
The header source:

Lets you set the properties and generate values for all input arguments.
User interface elements are described below:
UI Element
Include all |
Includes all of the method's arguments in the Web Service call.
Reset |
Resets the arguments to their original state. It removes their inclusion in the call, and sets them to the values in the WSDL.
Generate |
Generates sample data for all of the input arguments.
Edit Argument |
Opens the pane for editing the selected argument's value.
Name |
The name of the operation (read-only).
Argument List |
A list of the input arguments.

When selecting an input argument, the right pane allows you to specify argument values.
User interface elements are described below:
UI Element
Add |
Opens the Add Array Elements dialog box for adding a new array element to the input argument (only visible when selecting a parent node in an input array).
Delete… |
Removes the selected array element in the input argument (only visible when selecting a parent node in an input array).
Include |
Includes the sub-arguments of the selected argument, in the Web Service call. This is only enabled for an argument with sub-arguments with the Include argument in call option enabled.
Exclude… |
Excludes the sub-arguments of the parent argument, from the Web Service call.
Edit… |
Opens an XML editor for editing the XML code containing the argument values. The only changes saved are the element values and the number of array elements.
Import… |
Opens the Select XML File to Import dialog box,
Export… |
Opens the Export argument XML into file dialog box.
Opens the Select or Create Parameter dialog box.
Name |
The name of the argument or array.
Include argument in call |
Include the argument in the call. For arrays, click Include to add the sub arguments to the call. To exclude all omittable arguments, click Exclude.
Type |
The argument type as defined in the WSDL. When the WSDL contains derived types, this box becomes a drop-down list. For details, see Special argument types.
Nil |
Sets the Nillable attribute to true.
XML (for arrays only) |
Value (for non -array elements) |
The argument value. To parameterize this value, click the abc icon (only available for non-arrays).
Generate auto-value for this argument |
Generates a sample value for the selected argument.

Lets you add attachment to the input arguments. This is only visible if you enabled Add to request (Input) in the operation name (top level parent) node.
User interface elements are described below:
UI Element
Add… |
Open the Add Input Dialog box. In this dialog box, you specify the source, content-type, and content-ID of the attachment.
Attachment format |
The format of the attachment, such as MIME or DIME.

Lets you set the properties for input attachments. This is only visible if you enabled Add to request (Input) in the operation name (top level parent) node.
User interface elements are described below:
UI Element
Delete Attachment |
Deletes the selected attachment parameter. If you have saved the attachments by index, it only removes the selected item.
Take data from |
The source of the attachment—either a file, or an existing parameter.
Content-type |
The content type of the parameter: Detect automatically or specify a value such as application/octet-stream.
Content-ID |
A unique content ID for the parameter: Generate automatically or specify a value.

Lets you see the properties of all output arguments.
User interface elements are described below:
UI Element
Edit Argument |
Opens the pane for editing the selected argument's value.
Name |
The name of the operation (read-only).
Argument List |
A list of the output arguments and the corresponding parameters storing the values.

Lets you specify a parameter for storing the value of the output argument.
User interface elements are described below:
UI Element
Add… |
Opens the Add Array Elements dialog box for adding a new array element to the output argument (only visible when selecting a parent node in an output array).
Delete |
Removes the selected array element in the output argument (only visible when selecting a parent node in the output array).
Name |
The name of the output argument or array.
Save returned value in parameter |
Saves the value of the selected argument to a parameter. To specify a custom parameter name, modify the default Param_<arg_name> in the Parameter field.
Nil |
Sets the value of the current argument to nil=true.
XML (for arrays only) |
XML code containing the argument values. To parameterize this value, click the abc icon (only available for arrays).

Lets you set the properties for output attachment parameters. This is only visible if you enabled Save received (Output) attachments in the operation name (top level parent) node.
User interface elements are described below:
UI Element
Add… |
Adds a new index-based output argument. This is available only when choosing Save Attachments by Index.
Save All Attachments |
Saves all output attachments to a parameter with the following properties:
Save Attachments by Index |
Saves the output attachments to index-based parameters. To set the index, select one of the parameters and modify the index number in the right pane.

Lets you set the properties for output attachments. This is only visible if you enabled Save received (Output) attachments in the operation name (top level parent) node.
User interface elements are described below:
UI Element
Delete Attachment |
Deletes the selected attachment parameter. If you have saved the attachments by index, it only removes the selected item.
Index |
An index number for the parameter. This field is only enabled when you select Save Attachments by Index in the Output Attachments node.
Content |
An editable name for the parameter storing the attachment
Content-type |
The content type of parameter (read-only).
Content-ID |
A unique content ID for the parameter (read-only).