SSL Configuration dialog box

This dialog box enables you to configure the SSL information for decrypting your traffic file for Web Services script.

To access
Analyze Traffic button, Next, SSL Configuration…
Relevant tasks

User interface elements are described below (unlabeled elements are shown in angle brackets):

UI Element
Add Certificate. Adds a new entry to the certificate list, containing information about an SSL server and its private key.
Delete. Removes the selected private key.
<certificate list>
The properties of the SSL entry. Specify the following:
  • IP. IP address of the server being analyzed.

  • Port. Port of the server being analyzed.

  • File. The path of the certificate file (with a pem extension) containing the private key. Use the Browse button to locate the file.

  • Password. A password for decrypting the private key.

See Certificate Utility below for details on how to convert certificates.

Certificate Utility

Opens the Convert Certificate tab of the SSL Utility that enables you to convert certificates from PKCS #12 and X.509 formats to PEM format.

For details on how to convert the certificate to PEM format, see web_set_certificate_ex in the Function Reference.