Failed Image Synchronization dialog box

The RDP protocol Failed Image Synchronization dialog box opens when an image synchronization fails during the replay of a script. You can stop the script or continue the replay despite the error.

The content of this dialog box varies depending on the reason for the failed synchronization:

  • Append Snapshot. The Failed Image Synchronization - Append Snapshot dialog box opens when the replay image is so different from the record image that changing the tolerance level does not help.
  • Raise Tolerance. The Failed Image Synchronization - Raise Tolerance dialog box opens when the script replay failed to find the exact image requested, but if the tolerance level for performing synchronization on images was relaxed, then it would have succeeded in finding the image.
  • Lower Tolerance. The Failed Image Synchronization - Lower Tolerance dialog box opens when the script replay fails to meet the NotAppear or Change conditions. VuGen detected an image match where you expected it not to detect one. If the tolerance level was reduced, the recorded and replay images would not match, and the NotAppear or Change conditions would be met resulting in a successful replay.
  • Non Specified. The Failed Image Synchronization dialog box opens when the script replay fails to meet any of the synchronization conditions such as NotAppear or Change. VuGen did not find another image at the original coordinates that could be appended to the script.
To access
Opens automatically when an image synchronization fails.
See also

User interface elements are described below:

UI Element
Consider the mismatch between the snapshots to be an error. This error is handled like all other errors and halt the execution of the script.
This button performs different actions depending on the type of dialog box:
  • Append Snapshot. Accept the mismatch. VuGen appends the replay snapshot as a "record" snapshot for the step. In future replays of the step, VuGen uses all existing record snapshots and the appended snapshot as the basis for comparison between screens. If the replay returns any of the record snapshots, the Vuser will not fail. You can view the original and appended snapshots for a step by clicking the navigation arrows in the Snapshot pane toolbar.
  • Lower Tolerance. Accept the mismatch and lower the tolerance level so that VuGen permits a smaller mismatch between the record images and those displayed during replay.
  • Raise Tolerance. Accept the mismatch and raise the tolerance level so that VuGen permits a greater mismatch between the record images and those displayed during replay.
  • Non-specified. Accept the mismatch, and do not make any changes in the script. Continue script execution despite the mismatch.

Note: Raising or lowering the tolerance level from the dialog box changes the level for the current step only. To change the tolerance level for the whole script, change the Default tolerance for image synchronization setting in the Runtime Settings > RDP > Synchronization view.