General > Code generation recording options

This pane of the Recording Options dialog box enables you to define what tasks VuGen performs automatically after generating a Vuser script.

To access

Record > Recording Options > General > Code Generation

Relevant tasks

Create an asynchronous Vuser script

Correlate scripts using Design Studio

User interface elements are described below:

UI Element Description
Correlations Scan Instructs VuGen to analyze the Vuser script to locate dynamic values that may need to be correlated. This scan is performed after a new script is recorded and after an existing script is regenerated.
Async Scan Instructs VuGen to analyze the Vuser script to locate asynchronous communication. This scan is performed after a new script is generated and after an existing script is regenerated.
Async Options...

Opens the Asynchronous Options dialog box.

Tip: We recommend that you use a 100% display size.