IPv6 support
You can test IPv6 based applications in addition to IPv4 based ones. Script recording supports recording for both IPv4 and IPv6 simultaneously. The code that is generated is non-IP specific. With the exception of Web HTTP/HTML protocols, users are unaware which IP version is being used when replaying the script in a load test. Web HTTP protocols have a Runtime setting that allows you to choose between IPv4 and IPv6 for the replay.
IPv6 deployment
The internal communication between Controller and load generators uses IPv4/IPv6 communication. To record and replay in both IPv4 and IPv6, install VuGen, Controller, and the load generators on IPv6-enabled computers, as shown in the diagram below.
For more details about IPv6 related changes, see the Preferences View - Internet Protocol.
Protocols supported
For a list of the supported protocols, see Supported Protocols. You can also find information here: 64-bit recording, Async, and IPv6 support.
Protocol support limitations
Support for IPv6 is available with the following limitations:
Web HTTP protocol
- FTP from web is not supported
- Web Breakdown is not supported
- Kerberos is not supported
- Spoofing from web is not supported
- PAC file is not supported
IPv6 Webtrace is not supported on 6to4 outgoing network interfaces.
IPv6 webtrace does not support RawSocket mode
General limitations
- Replay failures may occur because of a IPv4/IPv6 switch between recording and replaying.
IPV6_webtrace fails to run from a command line with error "webtrace_send_probe_failed". This is caused by an incorrectly installed load generator.
Uninstall OpenText Professional Performance Engineering or the incorrectly installed load generator.
Check if the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\SRPACKET key was removed by the uninstall process (manually remove it if necessary).
Remove all files and folder in the C:\<LoadGenerator root folder left by the uninstall process.
Restart the machine.
Reinstall OpenText Professional Performance Engineering or the load generator.
- Check if the
value points to the correct path (packet_amd64.sys driver).