Referencing and sharing DLLs
When recording a script, all appropriate dependency references are automatically added to the reference list. You can also manually add .NET DLLs from the .NET Framework as references for a .NET script.
Referenced DLLs
You can manually add references to DLLs to your .NET scripts. For details, see Reference List dialog box [.NET protocol]
The referenced DLL is added by default to the script folder, for use at runtime. You can also copy DLL files directly into the script folder. However, these local copies of the DLL increase the script size, and can cause high memory use on the load generators.
An alternative is to use shared DLL libraries. For details, see Using shared DLL libraries.
Using shared DLL libraries
After recording a script, you can edit the list of shared DLLs in the runtime settings. When you add a shared DLL library, at runtime the load generator accesses the referenced files at the shared location. The DLL is not copied to the load generator, saving memory use.
To use shared DLL libraries:
Copy the files for the DLL to a shared location that can be accessed by the load generators.
Open the Runtime Settings for the script.
On the Shared DLLs page, click Add, and define the full path to the shared library folder. Do this for each referenced DLL that you do not want copied to the local script folder.
If the script folder contains a copy of the DLL that will be accessed in the shared library, delete the local copy in the script.
See also: