Observability metrics

You can configure VuGen to push observability metrics and data to an OpenTelemetry Collector during script replay. The observability data can be sent for scripts of all protocols.

Tip: Observability metrics can also be sent from Controller scenarios. For details, see Observability metrics in the OpenText Professional Performance Engineering Help Center.

Push data to an OpenTelemetry Collector

Configure VuGen to push data to an OpenTelemetry Collector.

To configure VuGen to push data to an OpenTelemetry Collector:

  1. In the VuGen toolbar, select Tools > Options.
  2. In the Options dialog box, select the Scripting tab.

  3. In the side pane, select Observability.

  4. Enter the following information.

    Field Details
    Enable collection of telemetry data during replay Select to enable collection of telemetry data during script replay.
    OpenTelemetry collector Name and port number of the collector, beginning with grpc://
    TLS CA certificate

    File path of the TLS CA certificate to connect to the collector (if required).

    Authorization header

    Authorization header to send data to the collector (if required).

    When the script is run, telemetry data is sent per transaction to the collector. For Web - HTTP/HTML scripts, a traceparent HTTP header is also added automatically. For details, see Traceparent header in Web - HTTP/HTML scripts.

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Traceparent header in Web - HTTP/HTML scripts

When you run a Web - HTTP/HTML script with observability metrics enabled, each HTTP request is reported to the collector as a transaction. A traceparent header is automatically added to each request, which enables you to track the flow of the request and correlate related observability data.

If a Web - HTTP/HTML script has existing traceparent headers included in its HTTP requests, these headers might conflict with the traceparent headers created to be sent with the observability data. We recommend deleting any existing traceparent headers from the script before running the script.

Tip: Before you record Web - HTTP/HTML scripts for which you plan to enable observability metrics, you can set the script recording options to exclude traceparent headers. This ensures that conflicting traceparent headers are not recorded. For details, see Headers dialog box.

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See also: