Install/uninstall the RDP Agent

Note: This topic applies to RDP Vuser scripts only.

If you are upgrading the agent, make sure to uninstall the previous version before installing the new one (see uninstallation instructions below).

Install the RDP Agent (Agent for Microsoft Terminal Server)

  1. If your server requires administrator permissions to install software, log in as an administrator to the server.

  2. Locate the installation file, Setup.exe, in your OpenText Professional Performance Engineering installation package's Additional Components\ Agent for Microsoft Terminal Server folder.

  3. Install the RDP agent on your RDP server machine (not on Load Generator machines), following the installation wizard to completion.

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Use the RDP Agent (Agent for Microsoft Terminal Server)

Set the recording options before recording a Vuser script.

  1. In the Start Recording dialog box, click Options.
  2. In the Advanced Code Generation node, select the Use RDP Agent check box.

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Uninstall the RDP Agent (Agent for Microsoft Terminal Server)

  1. If your server requires administrator privileges to remove software, log in to the server as an administrator.

  2. From Add or remove a program, remove Software Agent for Microsoft Terminal Server.

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