Integration with OpenText Application Quality Management
This section describes how to manage your Vuser scripts by integrating with OpenText Application Quality Management.
Manage scripts
OpenText Application Quality Management provides efficient functionality for storing and retrieving Vuser scripts, scenarios, and analysis results. You can store scripts in an OpenText Application Quality Management project and organize the scripts into unique groups.
In order for VuGen to access a project, you must connect VuGen to the web server on which the project is located. You can connect to either a local or remote web server.
For more information, see the Help Center.
Connect to a project
To store and retrieve scripts, you need to connect to an OpenText Application Quality Management project. You can connect or disconnect from a project at any time during the testing process.
You can connect to one version of OpenText Application Quality Management from VuGen and a different version from your browser.
For more information, see Integration with OpenText Application Quality Management.
To connect to a project:
Determine the type of authentication required for the OpenText Application Quality Management server: User name/password or CAC (Common Access Card). To use CAC mode, make sure to enable CAC authentication in VuGen's General options. For details, see General Options tab.
In VuGen, select Integrations > ALM > Connect to ALM. The ALM Connection dialog box opens.
In the Step 1: Connect to server section, enter a Server URL (not relevant for CAC authentication).
If the provided URL is for a server that supports SSO, you will be redirected to the SSO authorization page from the server.
If the provided URL is for a server that does not use SSO, enter your user name and password and click Connect.
VuGen connects to the OpenText Application Quality Management server.
In the Step 2: Login to project section, expand the dropdown and enter the domain and project details.
Click Login.
- Click Close to exit the Connection dialog box.
If you authenticated through CAC mode and disconnected from the OpenText Application Quality Management server, you need to restart VuGen before reconnecting in CAC mode.
If you have a slow connection, this may be because the VuGen machine does not have access to the WAN, and so cannot verify the digital signature of the relevant files.
Resolution: Download and import the certificates from the GlobalSign Root Certificates site using certmgr MMC until the issue is resolved (you might not need to import all the certificates).
Version control
VuGen supports version control features in Vuser scripts saved in OpenText Application Quality Management projects that use version control.
The version control features change the process of opening and saving a script. Scripts with version control are either in a state of checked-in or checked-out. When you are working with a script in a checked-out state, any changes you make are not saved on the OpenText Application Quality Management server until you check in the script. If you save the script from within VuGen, a temporary file is saved on your machine that protects your changes in case your computer crashes.
If you are working with a script in a checked-in state, the script is read-only and you cannot make any changes until you check out the script.
If a particular script is being saved to OpenText Application Quality Management for the first time, and the project uses version control, the script automatically starts in a checked-out state.
Work with scripts in projects
The following steps describe how to work with Vuser scripts that are saved in an OpenText Application Quality Management project.
Note: When downloading a VuGen script, the file name displayed in the Save As dialog box might be truncated. Due to a Microsoft IE limitation, this problem occurs if the original script name contains more than 160 letters, or if script name contains non-English letters.
To avoid this, download the script using the connection to OpenText Application Quality Management, as described below.
To work with scripts:
Open a connection to the server and project that contains the script. For details, see Connect to a project.
Select File > Open > Script/Solution. In the Open VuGen Script or Solution dialog box, select the script to open and then click Open.
Select File > Save Script. If the script is in a project that uses version control and is not checked out, the script is saved as a temporary file on your local machine.
Work with version-controlled scripts in projects
The following steps describe how to work with scripts saved in OpenText Application Quality Management projects for which version control is enabled.
To work with version-control scripts:
Open a connection to the OpenText Application Quality Management server and project that contains the script. For details, see Connect to a project.
Select File > Open > Script/Solution. In the Open VuGen Script or Solution dialog box, select the script to open and then click Open.
If the project has version control, each script is always defined as being either checked-in or checked-out. For more details, see Version control . To check in and check out scripts, select Integrations > ALM > Check In/Check Out.
Note: If the project has version control, the file is locked when it is checked out.
If the project is not version controlled, the file is not locked when checked out of the project.
Cancel a check out. (Optional)
If you checked out a script and do not want to save the changes, you can return the status of the script to checked-in without saving by selecting Integrations > ALM > Undo Check Out.
Save the script.
Select File > Save Script. If the script is in a project that uses version control and is not checked out, the script is saved as a temporary file on your local machine.
Save VuGen Vuser scripts to projects
The following steps describe how to save a Vuser script to an OpenText Application Quality Management project.
To save a script:
Create or open the script in VuGen.
Open a connection to the server and project in which you want to store the script. For details, see Connect to a project.
Save the script to OpenText Application Quality Management:
- Select File > Save Script as. The Save Script As dialog box opens.
- Click ALM Test Plan, and then specify the name and location for the script.
Click Save. After a short time, the Working Mode dialog box opens.
Select one of the following options:
Runtime Mode. Copies only the files needed to replay the script. This option does not copy recording snapshot files and other unnecessary files. This results in a shorter transfer time.
All Files Mode. Copies all of the files associated with this script. This results in a longer transfer time.
Compare previous versions of a script
If your Vuser script is saved in a project that uses version control, you can compare previous versions of the script. The following steps describe how to do this.
To compare a script with previous versions:
Open a connection to the OpenText Application Quality Management server and project that contains the script that you want to view or modify. For details, see Connect to a project.
Select File > Open > Script/Solution. In the Open VuGen Script or Solution dialog box, select the script to open and then click Open.
Compare previous versions of the script:
- Select Integrations > ALM > Version History. The Version History dialog box opens.
- Select two previous versions of the script and then click Compare Versions. The comparison tool opens and displays the two versions of the script.
ALM Connection dialog box [VuGen]
This dialog box enables you to connect to an OpenText Application Quality Management project from within VuGen.
To access |
Integrations > ALM > ALM Connection
Important information |
User interface elements are described below:
UI Element
Step 1: Connect to Server |
Step 2: Login to Project |
Restore connection on startup |
Automatically reconnect to the OpenText Application Quality Management server, using the same credentials, when restarting VuGen. |
See also: