SQS-specific classes
The Cloud for AWS protocol for SQS includes the following classes. For details on a class, including the related methods, click the name of the class.
LrAwsRegion | Enumeration of all available regions for AWS clusters. |
LrSqsBatchErrorStatusEntry | Represents the confirmation that a specific LrSqsMessage was not sent, deleted, or updated successfully on the SQS queue |
LrSqsChangeVisibilityBatchRequestStatus | Consists of collections of objects corresponding to the status of visibility change requests for each LrSqsMessage in a batch. |
LrSqsChangeVisibilityBatchStatusEntry | Represents the confirmation that a specific LrSqsMessage has its visibility timeout value successfully updated. |
LrSqsClient | The main class that is used to interact with the SQS queue. It can be used to send or receive messages and to interact with the queue. |
LrSqsDeleteMessageBatchRequestStatus | Consists of collections of objects corresponding to the status of delete requests for each LrSqsMessage in a batch. |
LrSqsDeleteMessageBatchStatusEntry | Represents the confirmation that a specific LrSqsMessage was successfully deleted from the SQS queue. |
LrSqsMessage | Represents a message that can be sent or received from the SQS queue. |
LrSqsMessageAttributeValue | Represents a user-defined attribute that can accompany an LrSqsMessage. |
LrSqsMessageSystemAttributeName | Enumeration of all supported system attributes that are available in Cloud for AWS protocol. |
LrSqsQueueAttributeName | Enumeration that contains all the available names that a queue attribute can have. |
LrSqsQueueAttributes | Represents a collection of queue attributes. |
LrSqsQueuesList | Represents a collection of queues. |
LrSqsSendMessageBatchRequestStatus | Consists of collections of objects corresponding to the status of send requests for each LrSqsMessage in a batch. |
LrSqsSendMessageBatchStatusEntry | Represents the confirmation that a specific LrSqsMessage was successfully sent to the SQS queue. |
LrSqsSendMessageResult | Stores the result of a message sent using a sendMessage or sendMessageEx API. |