SQS-specific classes

The Cloud for AWS protocol for SQS includes the following classes. For details on a class, including the related methods, click the name of the class.

LrAwsRegionEnumeration of all available regions for AWS clusters.
LrSqsBatchErrorStatusEntryRepresents the confirmation that a specific LrSqsMessage was not sent, deleted, or updated successfully on the SQS queue
LrSqsChangeVisibilityBatchRequestStatusConsists of collections of objects corresponding to the status of visibility change requests for each LrSqsMessage in a batch.
LrSqsChangeVisibilityBatchStatusEntryRepresents the confirmation that a specific LrSqsMessage has its visibility timeout value successfully updated.
LrSqsClientThe main class that is used to interact with the SQS queue. It can be used to send or receive messages and to interact with the queue.
LrSqsDeleteMessageBatchRequestStatusConsists of collections of objects corresponding to the status of delete requests for each LrSqsMessage in a batch.
LrSqsDeleteMessageBatchStatusEntryRepresents the confirmation that a specific LrSqsMessage was successfully deleted from the SQS queue.
LrSqsMessageRepresents a message that can be sent or received from the SQS queue.
LrSqsMessageAttributeValueRepresents a user-defined attribute that can accompany an LrSqsMessage.
LrSqsMessageSystemAttributeNameEnumeration of all supported system attributes that are available in Cloud for AWS protocol.
LrSqsQueueAttributeNameEnumeration that contains all the available names that a queue attribute can have.
LrSqsQueueAttributesRepresents a collection of queue attributes.
LrSqsQueuesListRepresents a collection of queues.
LrSqsSendMessageBatchRequestStatusConsists of collections of objects corresponding to the status of send requests for each LrSqsMessage in a batch.
LrSqsSendMessageBatchStatusEntryRepresents the confirmation that a specific LrSqsMessage was successfully sent to the SQS queue.
LrSqsSendMessageResultStores the result of a message sent using a sendMessage or sendMessageEx API.