Code | Error | Description / Cause |
2000 | Failed memory allocation | A memory allocation request (malloc, realloc, etc.) failed. |
2001 | Invalid CONNECTION pointer or structure | A call to lrd_open_connection was unsuccessful or missing OR the CONNECTION was already closed using lrd_free_connection. |
2002 | Invalid CURSOR pointer or structure OR invalid association to a CONNECTION pointer or structure | An earlier call to lrd_open_cursor was unsuccessful or missing OR the CONNECTION is no longer valid. |
2003 | Invalid argument | An invalid argument or combination of arguments passed to the LRD function. |
2004 | Unbound placeholder | An earlier lrd_bind_placeholder call was unsuccessful or missing OR the placeholder name in the SQL statement is not consistent with the name in lrd_bind_placeholder. |
2005 | Invalid host variable data type | An invalid data type was passed to an LRD function's host variable. |
2006 | Invalid column number | An invalid column number was passed to lrd_bind_col, lrd_col_data, etc. |
2007 | Invalid data type or unprintable data | The specified data type is invalid or not printable (e.g., DT_VARRAW). |
2008 | Unsupported function or parameter | The LRD function or parameter is not supported in the current environment. |
2009 | Failed database routine | A call to a database routine failed. |
2010 | Invalid option | An invalid option was specified. |
2011 | Invalid option value | An invalid option value was specified in lrd_db_option or lrd_option. |
2012 | Failed to load LRD database library. | An error occurred in LoadLibrary, dlopen, shl_load, etc. |
2013 | Failed to get address of the database interface routine. | An error occurred in GetProcAddress, dlsym, shl_findsym, etc. |
2014 | Initialization failed | lrd_init was unsuccessful or missing OR initialization for a specific database was unsuccessful or missing. |
2015 | Failed to load database API library | An error occurred in LoadLibrary, dlopen, shl_load, etc. |
2016 | Failed to get address of a database API routine | An error occurred in GetProcAddress, dlsym, shl_findsym, etc. |
2018 | Output string truncated | The output string was truncated. |
2019 | Invalid data for data type | For non-character data, the data is invalid for the specified data type. For character data types, the data contains unpredictable characters. This includes '\0' in data types that are not null terminated such as DT_SF, DT_VARCHAR, DT_LONG_CHAR, DT_SF_STRIPPED_SPACES, DT_LONG_VARCHAR, DT_DISPLAY). |
2020 | Invalid host variable size | An invalid MAX SIZE was specified for the host variable. |
2021 | Invalid host variable length | An invalid length was specified for the host variable. Applies to variable length data types where the length of the host variable and its prefix exceeds MAX SIZE. |
2022 | Data too long | In lrd_assign, the value string is too long for the variable being set. |
2023 | Data invalid | In lrd_assign, the value string is invalid for the variable being set (invalid characters, out of range) |
2024 | Data too short | In lrd_assign, the value string is too short for the variable being set. This applies primarily to fixed length data types such as DT_SF. |
2025 | Invalid format parameter | In lrd_assign, the format parameter, mpszValStrFmt, is invalid for the specified data type. |
2026 | Unsupported or invalid data type | The specified data type is invalid or unsupported for the database. |
2027 | Invalid offset | The specified offset value is invalid. For example, in Oracle, a negative offset for lrd_col_data, a non-zero offset in lrd_assign for certain data types, or a positive offset that exceeds the current length of a variable length string (such as DT_SZ or DT_VARCHAR). |
2028 | Value too large | In lrd_assign, the (absolute) value of the data is too large for the variable. |
2029 | Database unsupported | The specified database is not supported. |
2030 | Invalid Load library path | The Load library path ($M_LROOT for Linux) is too long or missing. |
2031 | Failed parameter substitution | The parameter substitution routine failed. |
2032 | Invalid parameter substitution | The substituted parameter is invalid (for example, too long). |
2033 | Uninitialized database access | Database access was not initialized due to a missing or unsuccessful lrd_open_connection. |
2034 | Invalid LRD_VAR_DESC structure | |
2035 | Invalid LRD_VAR_INFO structure | |
2036 | Required storage too large | The amount of storage required for either the host, indicator, actual length, or return code variable, is too large for malloc. |
2037 | Indicator variables unsupported | The indicator variables requested by LRD_VAR_DESC are not supported for the current database. |
2038 | Actual length variables unsupported | The actual length variables requested by LRD_VAR_DESC are not supported for the current database. |
2039 | Return code variables unsupported | The return code variables requested by LRD_VAR_DESC are not supported for the current database. |
2040 | Invalid LRD_VAR_DESC structure | A previous error associated with LRD_VAR_DESC, renders it unusable. |
2041 | Invalid LRD_CONTEXT structure. | An invalid LRD_CONTEXT pointer or structure OR lrd_alloc_connection followed by lrd_open_connection with a different context pointer. |
2042 | Invalid call to lrd_close_context | lrd_close_context was called before all the connections were closed. |
2043 | Ini file error | An error occurred while accessing an ini file (e.g., lrd.ini) |
2044 | Database type mismatch | A database type mismatch occurred. For example: LRD_CURSOR and LRD_VAR_DESC or lrd_open_connection and lrd_open_context refer to different databases. |
2045 | Invalid LRD call | The LRD call is invalid for an array (e.g., lrd_col_data). |
2046 | Invalid variable descriptor (DbLib) | The variable descriptor for lrd_col_data, was previously used with another function, OR the variable descriptor of a database function was previously used by lrd_col_data. |
2047 | Uninitialized variable | The specified variable was not initialized. |
2048 | Bound variable | The variable is bound and cannot be automatically enlarged when assigned to a longer value. |
2049 | Null terminator missing | A required null-terminator is missing. |
2050 | Invalid scale | The scale defined by the variable descriptor is invalid or unsupported for the data type. |
2051 | Invalid number of rows | The number of rows specified by mliRowBatchSize for lrd_fetch, exceeds the element count of the variable(s) bound with lrd_bind_col. |
2052 | Invalid internal structure | The LRD_BI_CONNECTION_INFO structure or its pointer is invalid, probably caused by a storage overlay. |
2053 | PrintRow failed | The PrintRow function called by the current lrd_fetch, failed. |
2054 | Invalid representation | In lrd_assign, the mpcValStr is pointing to a NULL string. There is no indicator variable and no minimum length. |
2055 | Invalid string for data type | The output string format (mpszOutputStrFmt) is invalid for the data type in lrd_to_printable. |
2056 | Invalid variable size for data type | The variable size is not valid for the data type OR the data type is not supported for the database. |
2057 | Invalid placeholder | The placeholder is invalid. |
2058 | Reserved | The option is not supported yet. |
2059 | Library not requested | No Lrun library was requested. |
2060 | Could not open log file. | No Lrun library was requested and the log file could not be opened. |
2061 | Invalid function sequence. | The order of the lrd function calls is invalid (e.g., lrd_exec precedes lrd_stmt). |
2063 | Descriptor already bound. | The specified descriptor name has already been bound. |
2064 | No fetchable result set is available. | There is no active fetchable result set, therefore the function (lrd_fetch, lrd_bind_col, lrd_get_col_data)was not issued. |
2065 | Invalid cursor parameter. | The BoundCursor parameter of the lrd_bind_cursor function is invalid, or the specified cursor is invalid for this connection. |
2066 | Invalid binding to a NULL value. | Binding to a NULL value is invalid for the data type. |
2067 | Failed initialization procedure | An initialization was not performed for the current process. |
2068 | Invalid thread globals | The thread global structure or pointer was already overlaid. |
2069 | Invalid DBI–level thread globals | The DBI–level thread global structure or pointer was already overlaid. |
2070 | Failed function | A function failed (e.g., lr_save_param) . |
2071 | Syntax error | There was a syntax error in the SQL statement. |
2072 | Wrong DLL version | Mismatch between the DLL version and LRD_DBVERSION_ODBC_xx |
2073 | Invalid save_col information | The referenced save_col structure or pointer was already overlaid. |
2074 | Invalid time stamp value | An invalid time stamp value was passed to lrd_send_data. |
2075 | Invalid LRDBI handle or pointer | The LRDBI handle or pointer is invalid. |
2076 | "need data" return code | A "need data" code was returned, but runtime data is not supported. |
2077 | "invalid handle" return code | An " invalid handle " code was returned. |
2078 | "still executing" return code | A " still executing" code was returned. |
2079 | "continue" return code | A " continue" code was returned. |
2080 | Status could not be determined | It could not be determined whether or not the database operation succeeded. For example, for a DB operation that accepts an error handle- the DB function that extracts the error code from the handle (e.g., OCIErrorGet in Oracle 8) failed or was not available. |
2081 | Function unavailable | The required API routine is not available. |
2082 | Handle inaccessible | An LRDDBI handle is inaccessible. |
2083 | Wrong handle type | A wrong or invalid handle type was specified for an LRDDBI handle. |
2084 | Wrong DB type for handle | A wrong database type was specified for an LRDDBI handle. |
2085 | Invalid handle | An LRDDBI handle is invalid. |
2086 | Null DB handle | The database handle is null; it should have been set after the successful database operation. |
2087 | Unsupported attribute type | The specified attribute is unsupported or invalid. |
2088 | Existing handle error | An existing handle is inaccessible or is of the wrong type than expected. |
2089 | Missing zero after end | A required zero is missing after a string value. |
2090 | Handle not allocated | The specified handle is not allocated. |
2091 | Handle is already allocated | The specified handle is already allocated or open. |
2092 | Mismatch in the LRDDBI Handles | There was a mismatch in the LRDDBI handles e.g., different parent handles |
2093 | Invalid database diagnostics list | Invalid database diagnostics list in the LRD thread globals. Call technical support. |
2094 | Eye-catcher not set. | The eye-catcher of an output structure has not been set. |
2095 | No access to data | The data is inaccessible. |
2096 | No access to indicator var | The indicator var is inaccessible. |
2097 | No access to actual len var | The actual len var is inaccessible. |
2098 | No access to return-code var | The return-code var is inaccessible. |