Internal Errors
For all internal return codes, call technical support for assistance.
Code | Meaning |
5000 | A general internal error occurred. |
5001 | An internal error occurred. |
5002 | The sizeof() internal data type is not as expected. |
5003 | The structure was not set as described in its link-list . |
5004 | The address could not be set for the function. |
5005 | An invalid internal parameter was passed to lrdbi_init. |
5006 | An invalid parameter was passed to an lrdbi function. |
5007 | A database type mismatch occurred. (e.g., The CONTEXT, CONNECTION, CURSOR, or VAR_DESC structure reached the wrong lrddbi function. |
5008 | The internal lrdbi_init function failed or was not called; another lrddbi function was called. |
5009 | The LRD_VAR_INFO structure was not allocated when an lrddbi function was called. |
5010 | An invalid parameter was passed to an internal function. |
5011 | The data type class is invalid or unsupported. |
5012 | A parameter for current database function in the Replay platform is different from the Recording platform. |
5013 | No Abort function was specified by the multi-threading driver. |
5014 | An Invalid parameter was specified to an lrdfnc function. |
5015 | The Attr Description is unavailable. |
5016 | The Attr Description entry is invalid. |
5017 | The specified attribute is not supported for the current protocol. |