Example: lrd_ora8_fetch
In the following example, an SQL statement selects all of the database records in the user_objects table. lrd_ora8_exec executes the statement after binding the host variables, OBJECT_NAME_D17, SUBOBJECT_NAME_D18, etc.
lrd_ora8_stmt(OraStm3, "select * from user_objects\n", 1, 0, 0);
lrd_ora8_exec(OraSvc1, OraStm3, 0, 0, &uliRowsProcessed, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
lrd_attr_set_ora(OraDef2, CHARSET_FORM, "1", -1, 0);
lrd_attr_set_ora(OraDef3, CHARSET_FORM, "1", -1, 0);
lrd_attr_set_ora(OraDef6, CHARSET_FORM, "1", -1, 0);
lrd_ora8_bind_col(OraStm3, &OraDef2, 1, &OBJECT_NAME_D17, 0, 0);
lrd_ora8_bind_col(OraStm3, &OraDef3, 2, &SUBOBJECT_NAME_D18, 0, 0);
lrd_ora8_bind_col(OraStm3, &OraDef4, 3, &OBJECT_ID_D19, 0, 0);
lrd_ora8_bind_col(OraStm3, &OraDef5, 4, &DATA_OBJECT_ID_D20, 0, 0);
lrd_ora8_bind_col(OraStm3, &OraDef6, 5, &OBJECT_TYPE_D21, 0, 0);
lrd_ora8_bind_col(OraStm3, &OraDef7, 6, &CREATED_D22, 0, 0);
lrd_ora8_fetch(OraStm3, -75, 15, &uliFetchedRows, PrintRow11, 2, 0, 0);
/* All seventy-five rows of the result set were fetched */