
Example: lrd_bind_cursorStatement Handling Functions

Binds a cursor to a placeholder.

LRDRET lrd_bind_cursor( LRD_CURSOR *mptCursor, char *mpszPlaceholder, unsigned long muliOption, LRD_CURSOR **mpptBoundCursor, int miDBErrorSeverity );

mptCursor A pointer to an LRD_CURSOR structure.
mpszPlaceholder A pointer to a string containing the placeholder name.
muliOption One of the LRD Binding Options.
mpptBoundCursor A pointer to a pointer to the newly created LRD_CURSOR structure.
miDBErrorSeverity The Error Severity Levels of a failure in a database routine.

The lrd_bind_cursor function binds a cursor to a placeholder in the SQL statement text. This function is used with statements containing PL/SQL commands

that open bound cursors or call a stored procedure to do so. The bound cursor can later be accessed using other cursor functions such as lrd_fetch or lrd_close_cursor.

Note: VuGen does not automatically close cursors that were opened by lrd_bind_cursor. To close open cursors, use the lrd_close_cursor function.

For more details refer to the Function Header File lrd.h in the include directory.

Return Values

See LRD Return Values.


The following argument can be parameterized using standard parameterization: mpszPlaceholder