
Emulates a keystroke in a remote session .

C Language

int pcoip_key( const char* key, long int key_modifier );

ExampleTeradici PCoIP Protocol Functions


keyA character key or the name of a special key. See below: Special Keys.
key_modifierA key pressed together with the character or special key. Modifiers can be combined, for example, MODIF_SHIFT|MODIF_CONTROL. See below: Key Modifier Values

General Information

pcoip_key emulates a keystroke in a remote session.

Note: To set a delay after a keystroke event, select and configure the PCoIP runtime setting, Delay after keystroke and mouse click.

Return Values

E_ALREADY_CONNECTEDDo not call this function after the connection is established.
E_NOT_CONNECTEDAction cannot be performed. There is no connection to the remote server.
E_OUT_OF_TIMEFunction timed out.
E_ILLEGAL_PARAMETERIllegal parameter found.
E_INTERNALInternal error found.


Standard parameterization is not available for this function.


These are examples of the use of pcoip_key.

	pcoip_key("NUM_LOCK_KEY", 0);

	pcoip_key("h", MODIF_SHIFT); // Capital H