Alphabetical List of Functions

Click one of the following functions for more information:

Calls a Web Service in a Silverlight environment.
Performs a SOAP request in a Silverlight environment.
Performs a SOAP request.
Calls a Web Service.
Cancels the settings from the preceding call to web_service_set_security.
Cancels the settings from the preceding call to web_service_set_security_saml.
web_service_cancel_security_saml_ex Cancels the settings from the preceding call to web_service_set_security_saml_ex.
web_service_set_optionSets an option before a call to a web service.
Adds security tokens to subsequent soap and web service calls.
Adds security tokens to subsequent soap and web service calls using SAML 1.1.
Adds security tokens to subsequent soap and web service calls using SAML 1.1 or SAML 2.0. Supports the WCF/.NET toolkit.
Waits for response to previous asynchronous service request.
Signs an unsigned SAML assertion.
Validates the WSDL file of a web service.

JMS Transport Functions

jms_publish_message_topicPublishes messages to a specific topic.
Receives a message from a queue.
jms_receive_message_topicReceives published messages to a specific topic on a subscription.
Sends a message to a queue.
Sends a message to a specified queue and receives a message from a specified queue.
Sets a general property in the user context.
Sets a JMS header or property for the next message to be sent.
jms_subscribe_topicCreates a subscription for a topic.