
Adds data in multiple columns.

If the columns specified in the argument do not exist, the columns are created, and the cell contents are set to the argument values.

Equivalent method in VuGen: lrvtc_send_row1

TC.vtcAddCells(colNames, values, option, vtsName);


Name Description


(string) Names of the columns, delimited by a semicolon.
values(string) Values, delimited by a semicolon.

(number) Defines how the values are added.

  • 0. Add as the same row in all columns, based on the column with the highest row count. The created row is n+1 for all columns.

  • 1. Add as stack: Last row in every column.

  • 2. Add as unique stack: Last row in every column, but only if the value is unique in the column.



(string) Alias of the VTS server.

Return value

A promise that is fulfilled with 0 if completed successfully.


Copy code
(async ()=>{
    let ret = await TC.vtcAddCell("MyColumn1", "myValue1");