
Increments a counter stored in a field.

Equivalent method in VuGen: lrvtc_increment

TC.vtcIncrement(colName, rowIndex, value, vtsName);


Name Description


(string) The name of the column.
rowIndex(integer) The index number of the field. 1 is the first field in the column.
value(integer) The value.


(string) The alias of the VTS server.

General information

This function performs as described in these situations:

The column name specified in the argument does not exist.

The column is created and the cell referenced by the index is set to the argument value.

The index specified in the argument exceeds the column size.

The cell is created by the specified index, and the cell contents are set to the argument value.

The column referenced by the index contains a string. The cell contents are replaced with the value argument.
The column referenced by the index contains an integer.The value is incremented to the new integer.

Return value

A promise that is fulfilled with 0 if completed successfully.


Copy code
(async ()=>{
    let ret = await TC.vtcIncrement("MyColumn1", 1, 1);