
Searches for a row containing specific values in specific columns.

Equivalent method in VuGen: lrvtc_search_row

TC.vtcSearchRow(columns, values, delimiter, vtsName);


Name Description


(string) The names of the columns to search. Column names are separated by the specified delimiter.
values(string) The values of the columns to search. Values are separated by the specified delimiter.

(string) The character that separates the column names and values in the lists.

If a string is passed in delimiter (rather than a single character), the string as a whole is the delimiter.



(string) The alias of the VTS server.

Return value

Returns a promise that is fulfilled with an object, which contains values for the whole row, if the values exist. For example, {col1:"a", col2:"b",col3:"c"}.

Otherwise, it returns an empty string.


Copy code
(async ()=>{
    let datas = await TC.vtcSearchRow("MyColumn1;MyColumn2","111;222", ";");  