
Enables you to change the log level during script replay.

To restore the initial log level setting, use TC.restoreLogLevel.

TC.setLogLevel(level, options);


Name Description

(string) Specify the log level. Possible values:

  • Disabled. Disables the log level. It still captures a log, including the error level.

  • Standard. Standard log captured.

  • Extended. Extended log file captured.



(boolean) If the log level is set to extended, you can specify which data is captured using true/false flags as properties of json_object.

Flags include:

  • log_http

  • log_AUT

  • log_parameters

Any flag that is omitted is considered as false.

Return value

A promise that is fulfilled with undefined upon success.


Disable the log level:

Copy code
(async ()=>{
    await TC.setLogLevel("Disabled");

Enable the standard log:

Copy code
(async ()=>{
    await TC.setLogLevel("Standard");

Enable the extended log, and specify which logs to capture:

Copy code
(async ()=>{
    await TC.setLogLevel("Extended",{ log_http : true, log_AUT: true, log_parameters: true});