TruClient 2.0 - Web Vuser functions

The following Vuser functions are available:

TC.addNetworkFilterAdds a filter for URL requests.
TC.advanceParamAdvances the specified parameter to the next value in the file.
TC.clearNetworkFiltersRemoves all URL request filters.
TC.crossTransactionEndEnds a transaction in a Vuser script that has been started in another Vuser script.
TC.crossTransactionStartBegins a transaction in a Vuser script that will be ended in another Vuser script.
TC.endTransactionEnds a transaction.
TC.evalCRuns a specific function in C language.
TC.getParamReturns the value of the specified parameter.
TC.getUserIPReturns the IP address when IP spoofing is enabled, and the script is running in load mode in Controller.
TC.groupNameReturns the group name as it appears in the MDRV command line.
TC.logLogs a message as a line in the interactive/load log.
TC.outputDirReturns the user output folder that contains all output for the script.
TC.outputMessageLogs a Standard log level message in the interactive/load log message, and a notification in the Controller Output window.
TC.restoreLogLevelRestores the log level to the initial setting.
TC.scenarioIdReturns the scenario ID as it appears in the MDRV command line.
TC.scriptDirReturns the user script folder.
TC.setLogLevelEnables you to change the log level during script replay.
TC.setParamSaves a string to a parameter, creating a temporary parameter value in the memory.
TC.setTransactionStatusSets the default end status of open transactions.
TC.setTransactionStatusByNameSets the default end status of a single open transaction by the transaction name.
TC.startLogRequestsStarts logging of URL requests.
TC.startTransactionStarts a transaction.
TC.stopLogRequestsStops logging URL requests.
TC.transactionDurationReturns the duration of a specific transaction.
TC.unmaskReturns the text after unmasking.
TC.userIdReturns the user ID as it appears in the MDRV command line.
TC.setUserDataPointRecords a user-defined data point for analysis.
TC.vuserStatusMessageIndicates which Vuser is handling a specific script.