Deprecated. Use lrvtc_retrieve_messages1. Pops the first fields from specified columns.
C Language
VTCERR2 vtc_retrieve_messages1 ( PVCI2 pvci, char ***columnNames, char *delimiter, char ***outValues );
C# Language
string[] vts_multi.retrieve_messages ( long pvci, string columnNames, string delimiter );
Query Functions |
Name | Comments |
pvci | The server connection handle. |
columnNames | The column names are separated by the delimiter. |
delimiter | The character that separates the column names and values in the lists. If a string, rather than a single character, is passed in delimiter, the string as a whole is the delimiter. |
outValues | Array of the values of the columns. |
vtc_retrieve_messages1 retrieves the values from the fields in the top row of the specified columns. The values are returned in the outValues array, in the same order in which they were passed in columnNames
All fields in the columns below the first row move up one row. For example, after the call, the values that were in the second row in the columns are in the first row, the values that were in the third row are in the second row, and so on. The last field in each of the columns is cleared. Fields in columns not specified n the columnNames argument are not moved or changed.
In C, columnNames and outValues are pointers to an array of strings.
After using the output value, free the output buffer with vtc_free_list.
Return Values
C Language: Returns zero on success or one of the Error Codes.
C# Language: Returns the array of messages.
All string input arguments can be passed using standard parameterization.C Language Example
int rc = 0; char **outvalues = NULL; rc = vtc_retrieve_messages1(pvci, "Col1;Col2", ";", &outvalues); ... vtc_free_list(outvalues);
C# Language Example