Alphabetical Listing of C Functions
Click on a function for more information:
Function Name | Description |
Gets the absolute value of an integer. | |
Converts time from a structure to a string. | |
Converts a string to a floating point value. | |
Converts a string to an integer value. | |
Converts a string to a long integer value. | |
Allocates an array and initializes all elements to zero. | |
Changes the current directory to the given path. (Windows only) | |
Switches to another drive. | |
Computes the cosine of an angle in radians. | |
Converts the calendar time to local time. | |
Closes a file. | |
Checks if the end of file has occurred on a stream. | |
Checks if any error has occurred during file I/0. | |
Gets a character from a stream. | |
Reads a string from a file. | |
ftell | Returns the current file position of the given stream. |
Gets the largest integral value that is less than x. | |
Opens a file for buffered I/0. | |
Writes formatted output to a file. | |
Writes a character to a stream. | |
Reads unformatted data from a stream into a buffer. | |
Frees a block of memory. | |
Reads formatted input from a stream. | |
Sets the current position in a file to a new location. | |
Write unformatted data from a buffer to a stream. | |
Returns the name of the current working directory. | |
Returns the name of the current drive. | |
Gets the definition of an environment variable. | |
Converts the calendar time into Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). | |
Checks if a string is a letter. | |
Checks if a string is a decimal digit. | |
Converts the calendar time into local time. | |
Allocates a block of memory. | |
Searches for a character in a buffer. | |
Compares two buffers. | |
Copies n characters from one buffer into another. | |
Moves a number of bytes from one buffer to another. | |
Sets n bytes of a buffer to a given character. | |
Creates a directory using the given path name. | |
Inserts a new definition into an environment table. | |
Gets a random integer between 0 and 32767. | |
Reallocates (adjusts the size of) a block of memory. | |
Deletes the specified file. | |
Rewinds a file. | |
Deletes the specified directory. | |
Computes the sine of an angle in radians. | |
Writes formatted output to a string. | |
Computes the square root of x. | |
Reads formatted input from a string. | |
Concatenates two strings. | |
Returns the pointer to the first occurrence of a character in a string. | |
Compares two strings to determine the alphabetic order. | |
Copies one string to another. | |
Duplicates a string. | |
Converts time to a string, and writes the string into a memory area. | |
Performs a case-insensitive comparison of two strings. | |
Returns the length of a string. | |
Concatenates n characters from one string to another. | |
Compares the first n characters of two strings. | |
Copies the first n characters of one string to another. | |
Performs a case-insensitive comparison of n strings. | |
Finds the last occurrence of a character in a string. | |
Returns the length of the leading characters in a string that are contained in a specified string. | |
Returns the first occurrence of one string in another. | |
Returns a token from a string delimited by specified characters. | |
Converts a string to a long integer using a given radix. | |
Executes an operating system command. | |
Returns the current calendar time. | |
Converts a character to lowercase. | |
Converts a character to uppercase. |