Example: lr_load_dll
In the following example, lr_load_dll is used to load user32.dll so that a standard Windows message box can be displayed during script replay, then to load kernel32.dll to use file functions.:
WIN32_FIND_DATA fdFile; HANDLE hFind = NULL; char *filepath; char sPath[2048]; lr_load_dll("user32.dll"); MessageBoxA(NULL, "This is the message body", "message_caption", 0); filepath = lr_eval_string("{UploadDirectoryPath}"); lr_load_dll("kernel32.dll"); sprintf(sPath, "C:\\TEMP\\*.*"); // see http://www.win7dll.info/kernel32_dll.html if((hFind = (void*) FindFirstFileA(sPath, &fdFile)) == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { lr_message("Path not found: [%s]\n", sPath); lr_abort(); }