Example: lr_checkpoint
In the following example, lr_checkpoint verifies if the first name of each row in a dataset matches the name "Joe". If a row does not match this first name, the script continues without ending on error.
int i=1; lr_db_executeSQLStatement("StepName=PerformQuery", "ConnectionName=db1", "SQLStatement=SELECT dbo.Customer.CustID, dbo.Customer.FirstName, dbo.Customer.LastName FROM dbo.Customer", "DatasetName=MyDataset", LAST ); while (i<4) { lr_db_getvalue("StepName=GetValue", "DatasetName=MyDataset", "Column=FirstName", "Row=next", "OutParam=MyOutputParam", LAST ); lr_output_message("The value is: %s", lr_eval_string("{MyOutputParam}") ); lr_checkpoint("StepName=VerifyCheckpoint", "ExpectedValue=Joe", "ActualValue={MyOutputParam}", "Compare=Equals", "StopOnValidationError=false", LAST ); i=i+1; }