Citrix ICA Return Values
The following is a list of error codes returned by Citrix ICA functions. They are defined in the file ctrxfuncs.h under the include directory of the installation.
Define value | Value | Description |
E_OK | 0 | Success |
E_NOT_DISPLAYED | -91999 | Failed wait for window to appear |
E_DISPLAYED | -91998 | Failed wait for window to close |
E_ILLEGAL_PARAMETER | -91997 | One of the parameters is invalid |
E_GENERAL_ERROR | -91996 | Unspecified error |
E_DISCONNECTED | -91995 | The server has disconnected prematurely |
E_WRONG_ICAFILE | -91994 | The specified .ica file could not be found |
E_NOT_ACTIVE | -91993 | The specified window is not active |
E_INCORRECT_CLIENT_VER | -91992 | Citrix client version no longer supported |
E_NFUSE_FAIL | -91991 | Citrix web connection failed |
E_OUT_OF_TIME | -91990 | Synchronization or wait operation timed out |
E_INTERNAL | -91989 | Internal error |
E_SYNC_ATTRIB_FAILED | -91988 | Synchronize on object information timed out |