
ExampleConnection Functions

Logs in to a Citrix server.

Note: Supported only for legacy single-protocol Citrix scripts.

int ctrx_connect_server( char *server_name, char *user_name, char *password, char *domain, [CONTINUE_ON_ERROR,] CTRX_LAST );

server_nameThe name of the Citrix ICA server to which you are connecting.
user_nameThe name of the user used to login to server_name
passwordThe password of the user used to login to server_name
domainThe domain name of server_name to which you are performing a login.
CONTINUE_ON_ERROR A constant, entered as shown without quotes. Overrides the error behavior runtime setting for this step so that script behaves as though the runtime setting was Continue on error.
CTRX_LAST A marker that indicates the end of the argument list.

ctrx_connect_server connects a Citrix client to a Citrix server.

Return Values

Citrix ICA Return Values


Parameterization is available for all arguments of this function.


ctrx_connect_server("ludens", "test", "test", "ludens" ,CTRX_LAST)
