Finance ISO channel functions
The custom channel used by Finance ISO protocol scripts is ot.protocols.financeISO.LrJposChannel. This is based on jPOS channel implementation, and supports jPOS channel types (apart from LoopbackChannel). The LrJposChannel APIs are all static methods.
The LrJposChannel for the Finance ISO protocol includes the following functions:
LrJposChannel.accept | Accepts a new connection. |
LrJposChannel.addFilter | Adds a filter to the filters list. |
LrJposChannel.addIncomingFilter | Adds a filter to the incoming filters list. |
LrJposChannel.addOutgoingFilter | Adds a filter to the outgoing filters list. |
LrJposChannel.closeChannel | Closes the current channel. |
LrJposChannel.connect | Connects client to server. |
LrJposChannel.disconnect | Disconnects the TCP/IP session. |
LrJposChannel.emptyMessageMap | Empties the message map that is used to measure duration. |
LrJposChannel.getBytes | Returns the number of bytes read into the buffer. |
LrJposChannel.getConfiguration | Gets the channel configuration. |
LrJposChannel.getCounters | Gets the count for connections, send messages, and received messages. |
LrJposChannel.getDstId | Gets the dstid used for VISA's VAP framing. |
LrJposChannel.getExceptionHandlers | Returns a map of exception classes to exception handlers. |
LrJposChannel.getHeader | Gets the header set for the channel. |
LrJposChannel.getHost | Gets the host name for the connected server. |
LrJposChannel.getIncomingFilters | Getsthe incoming filters list. |
LrJposChannel.getLogger | Gets the logger associated with the channel. |
LrJposChannel.getMaxPacketLength | Gets the maximum length that a package may have. |
LrJposChannel.getOriginalRealm | Gets the original realm (identifier) for the logger associated with the channel. |
LrJposChannel.getOutgoingFilters | Gets the outgoing filters list. |
LrJposChannel.getPackager | Gets the packager that is used when sending or receiving messages. |
LrJposChannel.getPort | Returns the connection port. |
LrJposChannel.getRealm | Returns the realm (identifier) of the logger. |
LrJposChannel.getServerSocket | Gets the current server socket. |
LrJposChannel.getSocket | Returns the client socket that is used for communication with the server. |
LrJposChannel.getSocketFactory | Gets the socket factory that is set for the channel. |
LrJposChannel.getSoLingerSeconds | Gets the number of seconds set for the SoLinger option. |
LrJposChannel.getSrcId | Gets the srcId used for VISA's VAP framing. |
LrJposChannel.getTimeout | Gets the socket timeout value. |
Initializes the channel. | |
LrJposChannel.isConnected | Checks if the client is connected to the server. |
LrJposChannel.isExpectKeepAlive | Checks if a keep-alive message is expected. |
LrJposChannel.isOverrideHeader | Gets the overrideHeader property for the channel. |
LrJposChannel.isSoLingerOn | Checks the status of the SoLinger option. |
LrJposChannel.receive | Receives a message over the channel. |
LrJposChannel.reconnect | Issues a disconnect followed by a reconnect. |
LrJposChannel.removeFilter | Removes a filter from the filters list. |
LrJposChannel.removeIncomingFilter | Removes a filter from the incoming filters list. |
LrJposChannel.removeOutgoingFilter | Removes a filter from the outgoing filters list. |
LrJposChannel.resetCounters | Resets the counters for connected clients, sent messages, and received messages. |
LrJposChannel.send | Sends a message over the channel. |
LrJposChannel.sendKeepAlive | Sends a high-level keep-alive message. |
LrJposChannel.setConfiguration | Sets the configuration for the channel. |
LrJposChannel.setDstId | Sets the dstid used for VISA's VAP framing. |
LrJposChannel.setHeader | Sets the channel header to use for the messages sent by the channel. |
LrJposChannel.setHost | Defines host details for connecting to the server. |
LrJposChannel.setIncomingFilters | Sets the incoming filters list. |
LrJposChannel.setLocalAddress | Sets the local host and port for the channel. |
LrJposChannel.setLogger | Sets the logger for the channel. |
LrJposChannel.setMaxPacketLength | Sets the maximum length that a package may have. |
LrJposChannel.setOutgoingFilters | Sets the outgoing filters list. |
LrJposChannel.setOverrideHeader | Sets whether to override the message header with the defined channel header. |
LrJposChannel.setPackager | Sets the packager used for packing and unpacking messages. |
LrJposChannel.setPort | Sets the server's port. |
LrJposChannel.setServerSocket | Sets the server's socket. |
LrJposChannel.setSocketFactory | Sets the socket factory to be used by the channel. |
LrJposChannel.setSoLinger | Defines how the close function operates for a socket. |
LrJposChannel.setSrcId | Sets the srcid used for VISA's VAP framing. |
LrJposChannel.setTimeout | Sets the socket timeout. |
LrJposChannel.setUsable | Sets the usable state for the connection. |