Example: lr.set_debug_message
In the following example, the lr.set_debug_message function sets the full trace option. The function assigns a message to a full trace log. Since this log level was set, the message will appear in the log.
The second call to set_debug_message resets the message level to its former value.
//Add the following to the beginning of the file: import java.lang.* ; import java.io.* ; /* Set the extended and full trace log options. The full trace option is ORed with the extended log option. */ lr.set_debug_message(lr.MSG_CLASS_EXTENDED_LOG |lr.MSG_CLASS_FULL_TRACE, lr.SWITCH_ON); PrintStream outstr; try { File file = new File("c:/temp/Java" + Thread.currentThread() + ".txt"); FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(file.getName()); outstr = new PrintStream(fos); } catch (IOException e) { outstr = null; /*lr.debug_message Sends a debug message to the Output window. Send a message only when the log level is set to Full Trace */ lr.debug_message (lr.MSG_CLASS_FULL_TRACE, "Exception occurred" ); outstr.println("Init (vuser " + lr.get_vuser_id() + ")"); lr.set_debug_message(lr.MSG_CLASS_EXTENDED_LOG |lr.MSG_CLASS_FULL_TRACE, lr.SWITCH_OFF); }
Disabling messages
In this example, the lr.set_debug_message function disables lr.message and lr.output_message from writing to the log unless an error occurred.
int n = lr.get_debug_message(); // get the current log level lr.output_message("The current level is " + n); // this message is written to the log lr.set_debug_message(lr.MSG_CLASS_BRIEF_LOG | lr.MSG_CLASS_EXTENDED_LOG , lr.SWITCH_OFF); // clear all flags lr.set_debug_message(lr.MSG_CLASS_JIT_LOG_ON_ERROR, lr.SWITCH_ON); // set the log level to JIT // After the above two calls, LR_MSG_CLASS_JIT_LOG_ON_ERROR && FFFF = LR_MSG_CLASS_JIT_LOG_ON_ERROR. lr.output_message("This output message is not written to log"); lr.message("This output message is not written to log"); // If an error is output automatically or lr_error_message is called, // recent messages that were blocked are then logged. // The recent messages are logged no matter what message level is in effect. // lr.error_message("The messages from lr_output_message and lr_message are logged with this message.");