Alphabetical Listing - Java Utility Functions
Click one of the following functions for more information:
lr.abort | Aborts the execution of a script. |
lr.advance_param | Advances to the next available value in the parameter data file. |
lr.aws_get_secret | Queries a secret in AWS Secrets Manager and saves it to a parameter. |
lr.cyberark_get_vault | Queries a protected password in a CyberArk Vault and Safe, and saves it to a parameter. |
lr.debug_message | Sends a debug message to the output window or log file. |
lr.decrypt | Deprecated. Use lr_unmask. |
lr.decrypt_ex | Decrypts a string encrypted by lr.encrypt_ex. |
lr.deserialize | Expands an object to represent its ASCII components. |
lr.enable_redirection | Redirects Java output and error streams to a log file. |
lr.encrypt_ex | Encrypts a string. |
lr.end_sub_transaction | Marks the end of a sub-transaction. |
lr.end_timer | Stops a timer. |
lr.end_transaction | Marks the end of a transaction. |
lr.error_message | Sends an error message to the log file and output window with location details. |
lr.eval_data | Returns an array of bytes from a parameter. |
lr.eval_int | Returns the integer value of a parameter. |
lr.eval_string | Returns the string argument after evaluating embedded parameters. |
lr.exit | Exits from the script, action, or iteration. |
lr.get_attrib_double | Returns the value of a command line parameter as a double type. |
lr.get_attrib_long | Returns the value of a command line parameter as a long integer. |
lr.get_attrib_string | Returns the value of a command line parameter as a string. |
lr.get_debug_message | Returns the current message logging settings. |
lr.get_group_name | Returns the name of the Vuser's group. |
lr.get_host_name | Returns the name of the host executing the script. |
lr.get_master_host_name | Returns the name of the machine running Controller. |
lr.get_object | Captures a Java object and dumps it to a data file. |
lr.get_scenario_id | Returns the current Scenario or Session step ID. |
lr.get_transaction_duration | Gets the duration of a transaction by its name. |
lr.get_vuser_id | Returns the current Vuser ID. |
lr.log | Sends a message to the log file of the Vuser. |
lr.log_message | Sends a message to the log file. |
lr.message | Sends a message to the log file and output window. |
lr.next_row | Advances to the next row in the parameter data file. |
lr.output_message | Sends a message to the log file and output window with location details. |
lr.peek_events | Indicates a point to search for events. |
lr.read_file | Reads a file into a parameter. |
lr.read_xml | Returns the contents of an XML file as a string. |
lr.redirect | Redirects a string to a file. |
lr.rendezvous | Creates a rendezvous point in the Vuser script. |
lr.save_data | Saves a byte as a parameter. |
lr.save_int | Saves an integer as a parameter. |
lr.save_string | Saves a null-terminated string as a parameter. |
lr.set_debug_message | Sets the message level. |
lr.set_transaction | Creates a completed transaction. |
lr.set_transaction_status | Sets the status of open transactions. |
lr.start_sub_transaction | Starts a sub-transaction specified by its parent's name. |
lr.start_timer | Starts a timer. |
lr.start_transaction | Marks the beginning of a transaction. |
lr.think_time | Pauses execution between commands in a script. |
lr.unmask | Unmasks an encoded string during replay. |
lr.user_data_point | Records a user-defined data sample. |
lr.value_check | Checks the value of a parameter. |
lr.vuser_status_message | Sends a message to the Vuser Status area in the Controller window. |
lr.wasted_time | Sets the wasted time for all open transactions. |