Alphabetical Listing - JavaScript
Click one of the following functions for more information:
lr.abort | Aborts the execution of a script. |
lr.abortEx | Aborts the execution of a script. |
lr.advanceParam | Advances to the next available value in the parameter data file. |
lr.awsGetSecret | Queries a secret in AWS Secrets Manager and saves it to a parameter. |
lr.continueOnError | Specifies an error handling method. |
lr.cyberarkGetVault | Queries a protected password in a CyberArk Vault and Safe, and saves it to a parameter. |
lr.debugMessage | Sends a debug message to the output or log file. |
lr.decrypt | Deprecated. Unmasks an encoded string. Use lr.unmask. |
lr.decryptEx | Decrypts a string encrypted by lr.encryptEx. |
lr.endTransaction | Marks the end of a transaction. |
lr.endTimer | Stops a timer. |
lr.errorMessage | Sends an error message to the output or log file. |
lr.evalString | Returns the string argument after evaluating embedded parameters. |
lr.exit | Exits from the script, action, or iteration. |
lr.failTransWithError | Sets the status of open transactions to LR_FAIL and sends an error message. |
lr.getAttribString | Returns a command line parameter string. |
lr.getDebugMessage | Returns the current message logging settings. |
lr.getHostName | Returns the name of the host executing the script. |
lr.getTransactionDuration | Gets the duration of a transaction by its name. |
lr.getTransactionStatus | Gets the current status of a transaction. |
lr.getTransactionThinkTime | Gets the think time of a transaction by its name. |
lr.getTransactionWastedTime | Gets the wasted time of a transaction by its name. |
lr.getVuserIp | Returns the IP address of the current Vuser. Not applicable for products that do not run Vusers. |
lr.loadLibrary | Evaluates and runs the specified JavaScript file in the global context. |
lr.logMessage | Sends a message to the Vuser log file. |
lr.message | Sends a message to the output and log file. |
lr.outputMessage | Sends a message to the output and log file with location information. |
lr.paramIncrement | Increments the value of a numerical parameter. |
lr.paramUnique | Generates a unique string and assigns it to a parameter. |
lr.paramarrIdx | Returns the value of the parameter at a specified location in a parameter array. |
lr.paramarrLen | Returns the number of elements in a parameter array. |
lr.paramarrRandom | Returns the value of the parameter at a random location in a parameter array. |
lr.readFile | Reads a file into a parameter. |
lr.removeCustomErrorMessage | Removes a custom test that was set by lr.setCustomErrorMessage. |
lr.rendezvous | Creates a rendezvous point in the Vuser script. |
lr.require | Loads the specified JavaScript module. |
lr.resumeTransaction | Resumes the collection of transaction data. |
lr.saveInt | Saves an integer to a parameter. |
lr.saveParamRegexp | Finds a string in a buffer using a regular expression and saves capture group matches to a parameter. |
lr.saveString | Saves a null-terminated string as a parameter. |
lr.setDebugMessage | Sets a message class for output messages. |
lr.setCustomErrorMessage | Sets a custom text to be output after built-in error messages. |
lr.setTransaction | Create a transaction manually. |
lr.setTransactionStatus | Sets the status of open transactions. |
lr.startTransaction | Marks the beginning of a transaction. |
lr.stopTransaction | Halts the collection of transaction data. |
lr.thinkTime | Pauses execution between commands in a script. |
lr.unmask | Unmasks an encoded string. |
lr.unzip | Uncompresses the information in a parameter and stores the uncompressed information in another parameter |
lr.userDataPoint | Records a user-defined data sample. |
lr.vuserStatusMessage | Sends a message to the Vuser status area in the Controller. |
lr.wastedTime | Sets the wasted time for all open transactions. |
lr.whoami | Returns information about a Vuser executing the script. |
lr.xmlGetValues | Retrieves values of XML elements found by a query. |
lr.xmlSetValues | Sets the values of XML elements found by a query. |
lr.xmlExtract | Extracts XML string fragments from an XML string. |
lr.xmlDelete | Deletes fragments from an XML string. |
lr.xmlReplace | Replaces fragments of an XML string. |
lr.xmlInsert | Inserts a new XML fragment into an XML string. |
lr.xmlFind | Verifies that XML values are returned by a query. |
lr.xmlTransform | Applies Extensible Stylesheet Language (XSL) Transformation to XML data. |
lr.unzip | Uncompresses the information in a parameter and stores the uncompressed information in another parameter. | | Compresses the information in a parameter and stores the compressed information in another parameter. |