Alphabetical Listing - JavaScript

Click one of the following functions for more information:

lr.abortAborts the execution of a script.
lr.abortExAborts the execution of a script.
lr.advanceParamAdvances to the next available value in the parameter data file.
lr.awsGetSecretQueries a secret in AWS Secrets Manager and saves it to a parameter.
lr.continueOnErrorSpecifies an error handling method.
lr.cyberarkGetVaultQueries a protected password in a CyberArk Vault and Safe, and saves it to a parameter.
lr.debugMessageSends a debug message to the output or log file.

Deprecated. Unmasks an encoded string.

Use lr.unmask.

lr.decryptEx Decrypts a string encrypted by lr.encryptEx.
lr.endTransactionMarks the end of a transaction.
lr.endTimerStops a timer.
lr.errorMessageSends an error message to the output or log file.
lr.evalStringReturns the string argument after evaluating embedded parameters.
lr.exitExits from the script, action, or iteration.
lr.failTransWithErrorSets the status of open transactions to LR_FAIL and sends an error message.
lr.getAttribStringReturns a command line parameter string.
lr.getDebugMessageReturns the current message logging settings.
lr.getHostNameReturns the name of the host executing the script.
lr.getTransactionDurationGets the duration of a transaction by its name.
lr.getTransactionStatusGets the current status of a transaction.
lr.getTransactionThinkTimeGets the think time of a transaction by its name.
lr.getTransactionWastedTimeGets the wasted time of a transaction by its name.
lr.getVuserIpReturns the IP address of the current Vuser. Not applicable for products that do not run Vusers.
lr.loadLibraryEvaluates and runs the specified JavaScript file in the global context.
lr.logMessageSends a message to the Vuser log file.
lr.messageSends a message to the output and log file.
lr.outputMessageSends a message to the output and log file with location information.
lr.paramIncrementIncrements the value of a numerical parameter.
lr.paramUniqueGenerates a unique string and assigns it to a parameter.
lr.paramarrIdxReturns the value of the parameter at a specified location in a parameter array.
lr.paramarrLenReturns the number of elements in a parameter array.
lr.paramarrRandomReturns the value of the parameter at a random location in a parameter array.
lr.readFileReads a file into a parameter.
lr.removeCustomErrorMessageRemoves a custom test that was set by lr.setCustomErrorMessage.
lr.rendezvousCreates a rendezvous point in the Vuser script.
lr.requireLoads the specified JavaScript module.
lr.resumeTransactionResumes the collection of transaction data.
lr.saveIntSaves an integer to a parameter.
lr.saveParamRegexpFinds a string in a buffer using a regular expression and saves capture group matches to a parameter.
lr.saveStringSaves a null-terminated string as a parameter.
lr.setDebugMessageSets a message class for output messages.
lr.setCustomErrorMessageSets a custom text to be output after built-in error messages.
lr.setTransactionCreate a transaction manually.
lr.setTransactionStatusSets the status of open transactions.
lr.startTransactionMarks the beginning of a transaction.
lr.stopTransactionHalts the collection of transaction data.
lr.thinkTimePauses execution between commands in a script.
lr.unmaskUnmasks an encoded string.
lr.unzipUncompresses the information in a parameter and stores the uncompressed information in another parameter
lr.userDataPointRecords a user-defined data sample.
lr.vuserStatusMessageSends a message to the Vuser status area in the Controller.
lr.wastedTimeSets the wasted time for all open transactions.
lr.whoamiReturns information about a Vuser executing the script.
lr.xmlGetValuesRetrieves values of XML elements found by a query.
lr.xmlSetValuesSets the values of XML elements found by a query.
lr.xmlExtractExtracts XML string fragments from an XML string.
lr.xmlDeleteDeletes fragments from an XML string.
lr.xmlReplaceReplaces fragments of an XML string.
lr.xmlInsertInserts a new XML fragment into an XML string.
lr.xmlFindVerifies that XML values are returned by a query.
lr.xmlTransformApplies Extensible Stylesheet Language (XSL) Transformation to XML data.
lr.unzipUncompresses the information in a parameter and stores the uncompressed information in another parameter.
lr.zipCompresses the information in a parameter and stores the compressed information in another parameter.