String and Parameter Functions
Click one of the following functions for more information:
lr.advanceParam | Advances to the next available value in the parameter data file. |
lr.decrypt | Deprecated. Unmasks an encoded string. Use lr.unmask. |
lr.evalString | Returns the string argument after evaluating embedded parameters. |
lr.paramIncrement | Increments the value of a parameter. |
lr.paramUnique | Generates a unique string and assigns it to a parameter. |
lr.paramarrIdx | Returns the value of the parameter at a specified location in a parameter array. |
lr.paramarrLen | Returns the number of elements in a parameter array. |
lr.paramarrRandom | Returns the value of the parameter at a random location in a parameter array |
lr.readFile | Reads a file into a parameter. |
lr.saveInt | Saves an integer to a parameter. |
lr.saveParamRegexp | Finds a string in a buffer using a regular expression and saves capture group matches to a parameter. |
lr.saveString | Saves a null terminated string as a parameter. |
lr.unmask | Unmasks an encoded string. |
lr.unzip | Uncompresses the information in a parameter and stores the uncompressed information in another parameter. | | Compresses the information in a parameter and stores the compressed information in another parameter. |