
Emulates a mouse click on the image that is defined by the attributes.


web.image( {object} );

JavaScript Object

   xcoord: <number>,
   ycoord: <number>,
Property Name
The name of the image in the tree view. Also used as the transaction name for automatic transactions.
The alt attribute of the IMG element that defines the image. The alt attribute appears in a bubble when pointing to the associated image, and as text before the image is loaded.
alt is recorded if it exists, otherwise src is recorded.
ordinalUsed to resolve ambiguity if more than one image matches the image attributes.
resourceByteLimitA limit based on the accumulated size of the bodies of the resources on this web page that have already been downloaded. Applies only to Sockets replay.
srcThe src attribute of the IMG element that defines the image. Alternatively, the file name of the image. For example, button.gif.
frameThe name of the frame in which you recorded the operation. The name of the frame is the value of the name attribute of the FRAME element.
targetframeThe name or the target frame or one of the standard HTML specifiers. For example, "TargetFrame": "_blank".
The alt attribute of the area to click. Client–side image maps only.
areaOrdinalThe 1-based serial number of the area to click. Client–side image maps only.
mapnameThe name of the map related to the image. Client–side image maps only.
The X coordinate of the click on the image. Server–side image maps only.
ycoordThe Y coordinate of the click on the image. Server–side image maps only.
snapshotThe name of the snapshot file is generated automatically. Do not change it. When manually coding a Vuser script function call, do not enter it. When copying an existing function call, delete the Snapshot argument.
Resources to download with the web page.

Return Values

Not applicable


The following argument(s) can be parameterized using standard parameterization: All image attributes.

General Information

The web.image action function emulates a mouse click an image. This function can be executed only in the context of a previous operation.

ALT is recorded if it exists, otherwise SRC is recorded. Ordinal is used for resolving ambiguity in both cases.

web.image is recorded only when VuGen is in HTML–based recording mode (see VuGen's Recording Options).

Examples of non–HTML–generated resources are .gif and .jpg images. The attributes of the image are only inserted when the recording option for these resources is "Record within the current script step". This is the default setting. See the Virtual User Generator Help Center.

The HTTP header can be modified to pass additional information about the request to the server. Using HTTP headers you can, for example, allow other content types in the response such as compressed files, or you can request a web page only on certain conditions. To modify the HTTP header in the request see web.addHeader. To modify all subsequent requests, see web.addAutoHeader.


web.image( {stepName: "Home.gif", src:"../../gifs/buttons/Home.gif"} );

For more options, see the C language example, Example: web_image.