Sets the Last Will and Testament message.
C Language
int mqtt_set_lwt( MQTT handle, const char* topic, const char* payload, int length, enum MQTT_QOS qos, enum MQTT_RETAIN_FLAG retainFlag);
Example | MQTT Vuser Functions |
Name | Comments |
handle | The MQTT client handle returned by mqtt_create. |
topic | The destination topic as a NULL-terminated string, for example: myhome/kitchen/temperature/lwt |
payload | The message payload as a pointer to a binary buffer or a NULL-terminated string. |
length | The message payload length in bytes. Pass MQTT_AUTO for NULL-terminated strings. |
qos | The required quality of service (QoS). An element of the MQTT_QOS enum. One of:
retainFlag | The message retention flag. An element of the MQTT_RETAIN_FLAG enum. One of:
General Information
mqtt_set_lwt sets the message the broker sends to other subscribers of the specified topic when the client disconnects unexpectedly. For example, the message is sent when the client disconnects because of network problems. Call this function before mqtt_connect.
If invalid arguments are passed, the Vuser aborts, even if Continue on error is set.
Return Values
Standard parameterization is available for this function.
Exception: payload cannot be parametrized.
MQTT client = mqtt_create();
/* LWT message "Sensor 1 disconnected" will be posted to topic "sensors/lwt" and stored with default QoS in case of unexpected disconnect */
mqtt_set_lwt(client, "sensors/lwt", "Sensor 1 disconnected", MQTT_AUTO, MQTT_DEFAULT, MQTT_RETAIN);
mqtt_connect(client, "tcp://");