Sets the TLS version and cipher list for a connection.
C Language
int mqtt_set_tls_parameters( MQTT handle, enum MQTT_TLS_VERSION version, const char* ciphers);
Example | MQTT Vuser Functions |
Name | Comments |
handle | The MQTT client handle returned by mqtt_create. |
version | The TLS protocol version. An element of the MQTT_TLS_VERSION enum. One of:
ciphers | The list of ciphers to use. Specify one of the following:
General Information
mqtt_set_tls_parameters sets the TLS version and cipher list for a connection. Call this function before mqtt_connect.
If invalid arguments are passed, the Vuser aborts, even if Continue on error is set.
Return Values
Standard parameterization is not available for this function.
/* Declared in "globals.h" */
client = mqtt_create();
/* Optional connection settings */
mqtt_set_client_id(client, lr_eval_string("perfcore-{vuid}"));
mqtt_set_credentials(client, "qatest1", lr_unmask("5811bce9842ef303f4d8"));
// mqtt_set_lwt(client, "<topic>", "<sample lwt payload>", MQTT_AUTO, MQTT_DEFAULT);
/* Optional SSL/TLS settings, applicable for SSL/TLS connections only */
// mqtt_set_tls_certificate(client, "<path to a certificate file, e.g. cert.pem>", "<path to a private key file, e.g. key.pem>", "<password to the private key>");
// mqtt_set_tls_parameters(client, MQTT_DEFAULT, MQTT_DEFAULT_CIPHERS);
/* Connect to an MQTT broker */
mqtt_connect(client, "tcp://myserver:1883");
/* Uncomment the following in case of implementing the "subscriber" logic */
mqtt_subscribe(client, "users/qatest1/demo");
return 0;