Example: pop3_retrieve_ex
In the following example, the pop3_retrieve_ex function retrieves the first and third messages and saves the headers to parameters.
// Logon to the POP3 server
pop3_logon_ex(&pppop3, "Login", "
/* List all messages on the server and get the number of messages*/
totalMessages = pop3_list_ex(&pppop3, "POP3", LAST );
/* Display the number of messages (It is also displayed by the pop3_list_ex function) */
lr_log_message("There are %d total messages on the server.\r\n\r\n", totalMessages);
/* Retrieve the first and third messages on the server without deleting them.
Save the headers to parameters */
pop3_retrieve_ex(&pppop3, "RetrieveMail", "RetrieveList=1,3", "DeleteMail=No", "SaveAs=c:\\temp\\debug.txt", "SaveTo=msgBody", "CreateParamForHeader=From,To,Date,Content-Type,Attachment", LAST );
// Delete the first and third messages on the server
pop3_delete_ex(&pppop3, "POP3", "DeleteList=1:3", LAST );
// Logoff
pop3_logoff_ex(&pppop3); return 0;
Execution Log
Example: Debug message:Recieving Email #1
Notify: Saving Parameter "pop3_header_From_1 = "Product User" <qatest@aqwa.abc.co.il>"
Notify: Saving Parameter "pop3_header_To_1 = <qatest1@aqwa.abc.co.il>"
Notify: Saving Parameter "pop3_header_Date_1 = Sun, 08 Feb 2004 13:47:09 +-200"
Notify: Saving Parameter "pop3_header_Subject_1 = "
Notify: Saving Parameter "pop3_header_Content-Type_1 = "
Notify: Saving Parameter "pop3_header_Attachment_1 = "
Debug message:Recieving Email #3
Notify: Saving Parameter "pop3_header_From_3 = "Product User" <qatest@aqwa.abc.co.il>"
Notify: Saving Parameter "pop3_header_To_3 = <qatest1@aqwa.abc.co.il>"
Notify: Saving Parameter "pop3_header_Date_3 = Sun, 08 Feb 2004 13:47:10 +-200"
Notify: Saving Parameter "pop3_header_Subject_3 = Attached file is : "outfile.txt""
Notify: Saving Parameter "pop3_header_Content-Type_3 = multipart/mixed;"
Notify: Saving Parameter "pop3_header_Attachment_3 = outfile.txt"