Alphabetical listing of SAP Functions
Click on a function or more information:
sapgui_active_object_from_parent_method | Selects an object within a parent object by calling the parent's method. |
sapgui_active_object_from_parent_property | Selects an object that is a property of a parent object. |
sapgui_apogrid_clear_selection | Deselects all selected cells. |
sapgui_apogrid_deselect_cell | Deselects a specific cell. |
sapgui_apogrid_deselect_column | Deselects a specific column. |
sapgui_apogrid_deselect_row | Deselects a specific row. |
sapgui_apogrid_double_click | Double clicks inside an APO grid. |
sapgui_apogrid_get_cell_data | Gets the data from a specific APO grid cell. |
sapgui_apogrid_get_cell_format | Gets the format of the specified APO grid cell. |
sapgui_apogrid_get_cell_tooltip | Gets the tooltip of the specified APO grid cell. |
sapgui_apogrid_is_cell_changeable | Checks whether the specified cell is editable. |
sapgui_apogrid_open_cell_context_menu | Opens a context menu in the specified cell. |
sapgui_apogrid_press_ENTER | Presses enter in an APO grid. |
sapgui_apogrid_scroll_to_column | Scrolls to a specified column within the APO grid. |
sapgui_apogrid_scroll_to_row | Scrolls to a specified row within the APO grid. |
sapgui_apogrid_select_all | Selects all cells in the APO grid. |
sapgui_apogrid_select_cell | Selects a cell in the APO grid. |
sapgui_apogrid_select_column | Selects a column in the APO grid. |
sapgui_apogrid_select_context_menu_item | Selects an item in the context menu of an APO Grid. |
sapgui_apogrid_select_row | Selects a row in the APO grid. |
sapgui_apogrid_set_cell_data | Sets the data in the specified APO grid cell. |
sapgui_calendar_focus_date | Sets the focus on a specific date. |
sapgui_calendar_scroll_to_date | Scrolls to a specific date in the calendar. |
sapgui_calendar_select_interval | Selects a range of dates within the calendar. |
sapgui_call_method | Invokes a method of a SAP object. |
sapgui_call_method_ex | Invokes a method of a SAP object and saves the return value as a parameter. |
sapgui_call_method_of_active_object | Invokes a method of the active object. |
sapgui_call_method_of_active_object_ex | Invokes a method of the active object and saves the return value to a parameter. |
sapgui_create_new_session | Creates a new SAP session. |
sapgui_get_active_window_title | Gets the title of the active window. |
sapgui_get_ok_code | Retrieves the Command field text. |
sapgui_get_property | Gets the property of a SAP object. |
sapgui_get_property_of_active_object | Retrieves a property of the active object. |
sapgui_get_status_bar_text | Gets the text in the status bar. |
sapgui_get_text | Gets the text from an object. |
sapgui_grid_clear_selection | Clears a selection in a grid. |
sapgui_grid_click | Clicks within a grid. |
sapgui_grid_click_current_cell | Clicks within a grid on active cell. |
sapgui_grid_deselect_column | Deselects a column in a grid |
sapgui_grid_double_click | Double-clicks within a grid. |
sapgui_grid_double_click_current_cell | Double-clicks within a grid on active cell. |
sapgui_grid_fill_data | Enter table data parameter in a grid. |
sapgui_grid_get_cell_data | Retrieves the text from a grid cell. |
sapgui_grid_get_columns_count | Retrieves the number of columns in the grid. |
sapgui_grid_get_current_cell_column | Retrieves the column number of a grid's current cell. |
sapgui_grid_get_current_cell_row | Retrieves the row number of a grid's current cell. |
sapgui_grid_get_rows_count | Retrieves the number of rows in the grid. |
sapgui_grid_is_checkbox_selected | Checks the state of a checkbox in a grid. |
sapgui_grid_open_context_menu | Right clicks in a grid to open a context menu. |
sapgui_grid_press_button | Clicks a button in a grid cell. |
sapgui_grid_press_button_current_cell | Clicks a button in active grid cell. |
sapgui_grid_press_column_header | Presses the column header of a grid. |
sapgui_grid_press_ENTER | Presses ENTER within a grid. |
sapgui_grid_press_F1 | Presses F1 within a grid. |
sapgui_grid_press_F4 | Presses F4 within a grid. |
sapgui_grid_press_toolbar_button | Clicks a toolbar button in a grid. |
sapgui_grid_press_toolbar_context_button | Clicks a toolbar context button in a grid. |
sapgui_grid_press_total_row | Clicks the total row area in a grid. |
sapgui_grid_press_total_row_current_cell | Clicks the total row area in active cell in grid. |
sapgui_grid_scroll_to_row | Scrolls to a row in a grid. |
sapgui_grid_select_all | Selects the entire grid. |
sapgui_grid_select_cell | Selects a cell in a grid. |
sapgui_grid_select_cell_column | Selects a cell in the specified column of the current row. |
sapgui_grid_select_cell_row | Selects a cell in the specified row of the current column. |
sapgui_grid_select_cells | Selects cells in a grid. |
sapgui_grid_select_column | Selects one column in a grid. |
sapgui_grid_select_columns | Selects columns in a grid. |
sapgui_grid_select_context_menu | Selects a context menu in a grid. |
sapgui_grid_select_rows | Selects rows in a grid. |
sapgui_grid_select_toolbar_menu | Selects a toolbar menu in a grid. |
sapgui_grid_selection_changed | Checks if the data in the selection has changed. |
sapgui_grid_set_cell_data | Inserts text into a grid cell. |
sapgui_grid_set_checkbox | Selects or clears a grid checkbox. |
sapgui_grid_set_column_order | Sets the column order in a grid. |
sapgui_grid_set_column_width | Sets the width of a grid column. |
sapgui_htmlviewer_dom_get_property | Evaluates a DOM query on the web page contained inside the SAP application. |
sapgui_htmlviewer_send_event | Sends an event to the HTML Viewer. |
sapgui_is_checkbox_selected | Checks if a checkbox is selected. |
sapgui_is_object_changeable | Checks if an object is enabled and writable. |
sapgui_is_radio_button_selected | Checks if a radio button is selected. |
sapgui_is_tab_selected | Checks if a tab is selected. |
sapgui_is_object_changeable | Checks if an object is enabled and writable. |
sapgui_is_object_available | Checks if an object exists. |
sapgui_logon | Logs on to a SAP server. |
sapgui_open_connection | Opens a connection to the specified SAP server. |
sapgui_open_connection_ex | Opens a connection to the SAP server specified by a connection string. |
sapgui_press_button | Presses a button. |
sapgui_select_active_connection | Sets the specified connection as the active connection. |
sapgui_select_active_session | Sets the active SAP session. |
sapgui_select_active_window | Sets the specified window as the active window. |
sapgui_select_combobox_entry | Selects a combo box entry. |
sapgui_select_menu | Selects the specified menu. |
sapgui_select_radio_button | Selects a radio button. |
sapgui_select_tab | Selects a tab. |
sapgui_send_vkey | Sends a virtual key. |
sapgui_set_checkbox | Selects or clears a checkbox. |
sapgui_set_collection_property | Sets the property of a object of type SAP GuiCollection. |
sapgui_set_focus | Sets the focus to the specified object. |
sapgui_set_ok_code | Sets the Command field text. |
sapgui_set_password | Sets the text of the password field. |
sapgui_set_property | Sets the property of a SAP object. |
sapgui_set_property_of_active_object | Sets a property of the active object. |
sapgui_set_text | Inserts text into a text box. |
sapgui_status_bar_get_param | Gets a parameter from the status bar. |
sapgui_status_bar_get_text | Gets text from the status bar. |
sapgui_status_bar_get_type | Retrieves status bar information: Success, Warning, or Error. |
sapgui_table_fill_data | Enter table data parameter in table. |
sapgui_table_get_column_width | Gets the width of a table column. |
sapgui_table_get_text | Retrieves the text in a table cell. |
sapgui_table_is_column_selected | Checks whether a table column is selected. |
sapgui_table_is_checkbox_selected | Checks the state of a checkbox in a table. |
sapgui_table_is_radio_button_selected | Checks the state of a radio button in a table. |
sapgui_table_is_row_selected | Checks if a table row is selected. |
sapgui_table_press_button | Presses a button in a table. |
sapgui_table_reorder | Reorders the columns in a table. |
sapgui_table_select_combobox_entry | Selects entry from list and inserts into a table cell. |
sapgui_table_select_radio_button | Selects a radio button in a table. |
sapgui_table_set_checkbox | Checks or clears a checkbox in a table. |
sapgui_table_set_column_selected | Selects or deselects a table column. |
sapgui_table_set_column_width | Selects a table column width. |
sapgui_table_set_focus | Sets the focus to a table cell. |
sapgui_table_set_password | Sets the password within a table. |
sapgui_table_set_row_selected | Selects or unselects a row in a table. |
sapgui_table_set_text | Inserts text into a table cell. |
sapgui_text_edit_double_click | Emulates a mouse double click in the text edit control. |
sapgui_text_edit_get_first_visible_line | Gets the number of the first line. |
sapgui_text_edit_get_number_of_unprotected_text_parts | Gets the number of unprotected text parts. |
sapgui_text_edit_get_selection_index_start | Gets the start position of the selected text. |
sapgui_text_edit_get_selection_index_end | Gets the end position of the selected text. |
sapgui_text_edit_modified_status_changed | Changes of the modified status of a text edit control. |
sapgui_text_edit_multiple_files_dropped | Emulates dropping files in the text edit control. |
sapgui_text_edit_open_context_menu | Opens context menu while text edit control has focus. |
sapgui_text_edit_press_F1 | Emulates pressing the F1 key while text edit control has focus. |
sapgui_text_edit_press_F4 | Emulates pressing the F4 key while text edit control has focus. |
sapgui_text_edit_scroll_to_line | Scrolls to line in text edit control. |
sapgui_text_edit_select_context_menu | Selects an item from a shortcut menu. |
sapgui_text_edit_set_selection_indexes | Sets the visually selected text range. |
sapgui_text_edit_set_unprotected_text_part | Assigns the text to the unprotected text part. |
sapgui_text_edit_single_file_dropped | Emulates dropping a file in the text edit control. |
sapgui_toolbar_press_button | Presses button on toolbar. |
sapgui_toolbar_press_context_button | Presses toolbar context button. |
sapgui_toolbar_select_context_menu_item | Selects context menu item. |
sapgui_toolbar_select_context_menu_item_by_text | Selects context menu item. |
sapgui_toolbar_select_menu_item | Selects toolbar menu item. |
sapgui_toolbar_select_menu_item_by_text | Selects toolbar menu item. |
sapgui_tree_click_link | Clicks a link in a tree. |
sapgui_tree_collapse_node | Collapses a tree node. |
sapgui_tree_double_click_item | Double-clicks a tree item. |
sapgui_tree_double_click_node | Double-clicks a tree node. |
sapgui_tree_expand_node | Expands a tree node. |
sapgui_tree_get_item_text | Gets the text of a tree item. |
sapgui_tree_get_node_text | Gets the text of a tree node. |
sapgui_tree_is_checkbox_selected | Checks if a tree check box is selected. |
sapgui_tree_open_default_context_menu | Opens a tree's default context sensitive menu. |
sapgui_tree_open_header_context_menu | Opens a tree header's context sensitive menu. |
sapgui_tree_open_item_context_menu | Opens an tree item's context sensitive menu. |
sapgui_tree_open_node_context_menu | Opens an tree node's context sensitive menu. |
sapgui_tree_press_button | Clicks a button in a tree. |
sapgui_tree_press_header | Clicks on a column header in a tree. |
sapgui_tree_press_key | Presses a key from within a tree. |
sapgui_tree_scroll_to_item | Scrolls to a tree item. |
sapgui_tree_scroll_to_node | Scrolls to a tree node. |
sapgui_tree_select_column | Selects a column in a tree. |
sapgui_tree_select_context_menu | Selects an item from a shortcut menu |
sapgui_tree_select_item | Selects an item in a tree. |
sapgui_tree_select_node | Selects a node in a tree. |
sapgui_tree_set_checkbox | Selects or clears a tree checkbox. |
sapgui_tree_set_column_order | Sets order of columns in a tree. |
sapgui_tree_set_column_width | Sets the column width of a tree. |
sapgui_tree_set_hierarchy_header_width | Sets the width of the tree hierarchy. |
sapgui_tree_set_selected_node | Selects a node in a tree. |
sapgui_tree_unselect_all | Cancels all selections in a tree. |
sapgui_tree_unselect_column | Cancels the selection of a tree column. |
sapgui_tree_unselect_node | Cancels the selection of a tree node. |
sapgui_window_close | Closes the SAP GUI. |
sapgui_window_maximize | Sets window to full screen size. |
sapgui_window_resize | Resizes a window to the specified size. |
sapgui_window_restore | Restores the window to non-maximized state. |
sapgui_window_scroll_to_row | Scrolls to a row. |