Example: sapgui_set_collection_property | Method and Property Functions |
Sets the property of a object of type SAP GuiCollection.
int sapgui_set_collection_property( const char *control_id, const char *property_name, char *arg1, ..., char *argn, [optionalArgs,] LAST );
control_id | Object ID Strings |
property_name | The name of the SAP GUI Object Properties to set |
arg1...argn | Property values to be set. |
optionalArgs | Optional Arguments |
LAST | A marker indicating the end of the argument list. Not required if Optional Arguments are used. |
The sapgui_set_collection_property function sets the specified property property_name, with the list of string items arg1...argn which make up the GuiCollection object.
To read the property of a GuiCollection object, use sapgui_get_property, which returns the string items in the form string1,string2,...,stringn.
Return Values
This function returns LR_PASS (0) on success or LR_FAIL (1) on failure.
You can parameterize all string (char type) arguments.