Mill Demo Example
This example requires that the Mill Demo be available when the action starts to run. To navigate to this point, use the sample Loading the Mill-Demo.
Select() { /* To make the example more readable, we use a variable to pass the Grid ID */ char gridID[]= "usr/subSUB_MAIN:/SAPAPO/SAPLMSDP_SDP:0027" "/cntlSDP_CUSTOM_CONTROL/shellcont/shell/" "shellcont[0]/shell/shellcont[0]/shell" ; int rc; int row; char sRow[10]; /*Select entire grid*/ sapgui_apogrid_select_all("Select entire grid", gridID, LAST ); /*Deselect grid*/ sapgui_apogrid_clear_selection("Deselect entire grid", gridID, LAST ); /* Scrolling to a row does not select it */ sapgui_apogrid_scroll_to_row("Scroll one above to Forecast", gridID, "11", LAST ); /* Select a row */ sapgui_apogrid_select_row("(Forecast)", gridID, "12", BEGIN_OPTIONAL, "AdditionalInfo=sapgui1035", END_OPTIONAL); /* Deselect it*/ sapgui_apogrid_deselect_row("Deselect Forecast)", gridID, "12", BEGIN_OPTIONAL, "AdditionalInfo=sapgui1035", END_OPTIONAL); // Are labels changeable? rc = sapgui_apogrid_is_cell_changeable("Check top corner with labels", gridID, "0", "0", LAST ); lr_message("Corner cell changeable = %d", rc); /* Double click on the label row */ sapgui_apogrid_double_click("(0, Customers Forecast)", gridID, "0", "38", BEGIN_OPTIONAL, "AdditionalInfo=sapgui1050", END_OPTIONAL); /* Get the message resulting from the double click */ sapgui_status_bar_get_text("paramStatusBarText", BEGIN_OPTIONAL, "Recorded status bar text: Key figure of the row cannot be fixed", END_OPTIONAL); // Get the format and tool tip for the row handle sapgui_apogrid_get_cell_format("Row handle format", gridID, "12", "0", "cellAttrib", LAST ); lr_message("Row handle format is %s", lr_eval_string("{cellAttrib}")); /* Get the tool tip */ sapgui_apogrid_get_cell_tooltip("Row handle tool tip", gridID, "12", "0", "cellAttrib", LAST ); lr_message("Row handle tool tip is %s", lr_eval_string("{cellAttrib}")); /* Get the current value of the cell */ sapgui_apogrid_get_cell_data("Get data in cell", gridID, "12", "38", "cellData", LAST ); lr_message("Initial data in 12, 38 is %s", lr_eval_string("{cellData}")); /* For illustrative purposes, find an editable cell. Of course, in a real script, you know what you need to edit */ rc = 0; for (row = 1; rc == 0; row++) { sprintf(sRow,"%d", row); // Is data cell changeable? rc = sapgui_apogrid_is_cell_changeable("Check a data cell", gridID, sRow, "38", LAST ); } row--; lr_message("Data cell (%s, 38 )changeable = %d", sRow, rc); /* Clear existing selections and select a cell */ sapgui_apogrid_clear_selection("Deselect entire grid", gridID, LAST ); sapgui_apogrid_select_cell("( M 11.2003, Forecast)", gridID, sRow, "38", BEGIN_OPTIONAL, "AdditionalInfo=sapgui1039", END_OPTIONAL); /* Enter data in the cell */ sapgui_apogrid_set_cell_data("( M 11.2003, Forecast)", gridID, sRow, "38", "12300", BEGIN_OPTIONAL, "AdditionalInfo=sapgui1040", END_OPTIONAL); /* Press the Enter key. */ sapgui_apogrid_press_ENTER("shell", gridID, BEGIN_OPTIONAL, "AdditionalInfo=sapgui1041", END_OPTIONAL); /* Confirm that the data was entered */ sapgui_apogrid_get_cell_data("Get data in cell", gridID, sRow, "38", "cellData", LAST ); lr_message("After set_cell_data, data in %d, 38 is %s", row, lr_eval_string("{cellData}")); /* Remove focus from cell */ sapgui_apogrid_deselect_cell("Deselect M 11.2003, Forecast)", gridID, sRow, "38", BEGIN_OPTIONAL, "AdditionalInfo=sapgui1039", END_OPTIONAL); /* Scrolling to a column does not select it */ sapgui_apogrid_scroll_to_column("Scroll to 39", gridID, "39", LAST ); /* Select a column */ sapgui_apogrid_select_column("Select Col 40", gridID, "40", LAST ); /* Deselect it */ sapgui_apogrid_deselect_column("deselect Col 40", gridID, "40", LAST ); /*Right click Row 5: Last Years Quantity, Column m11.2003 and choose "fix" from context menu*/ sapgui_apogrid_open_cell_context_menu("( M 11.2003, Last Years Quantity)", gridID, "5", "38", BEGIN_OPTIONAL, "AdditionalInfo=sapgui1074", END_OPTIONAL); sapgui_apogrid_select_context_menu_item("shell", gridID, "MAGC_LOCK_CELLS", BEGIN_OPTIONAL, "AdditionalInfo=sapgui1077", END_OPTIONAL); return 0; }