Response Callback
Example: Asynchronous Conversations | Asynchronous Functions - C |
Called at the end of a conversation.
WEB_ASYNC_CB_RC_ENUM <function name>( IN const char * aResponseHeadersStr,IN int aResponseHeadersLen,IN const char *aResponseBodyStr, IN int aResponseBodyLen, IN int aHttpStatusCode );
Argument | Description |
aResponseHeadersStr | A pointer to one of:
aResponseHeadersLen | The length of the string pointed to by aResponseHeadersStr. |
aResponseBodyStr | A pointer to one of:
aResponseBodyLen | The length of the string pointed to by aResponseBodyStr. |
aHttpStatusCode | The HTTP status return code. |
Return Values
This function returns a value of WEB_ASYNC_CB_RC_ENUM.
Standard parameterization is not available for this function.
General Information
A response callback is a user-created function. It is invoked once at the end of a conversation. If the last request within the group received a response, the accumulated response headers and the accumulated response body are passed to the callback. Informational response headers (status codes 1xx) are ignored.
If the last Task A web task consists of an HTTP request and any directly related HTTP responses and requests until the eventual HTTP response to the initial HTTP request.
Redirections are not included in an RDR. did not receive any response, empty strings are passed for accumulated headers and accumulated body.
The response data is processed as follows before being passed to the callback:
- If "Transfer-Encoding: chunked" was specified for the response, any overhead bytes are removed.
- If the response was compressed, it is decompressed. This can leave remainders of data to be handled when more data arrive.
- If required, any decompression remainders from a previous segment are joined to the data of the current segment.
- If required, data is converted to the locale charset.
This callback can invoke the utility function Request Callback and any of the general utility functions. See Utility Functions: C Language (lr_) or Utility Functions: JavaScript Language (lr.).