
Example: lrd_assign_bindVariable Handling Functions

Assigns a null-terminated string to a variable via its descriptor, and binds it to a placeholder.

LRDRET lrd_assign_bind( LRD_CURSOR *mptCursor, char *mpszPlaceholder, char *mpcValStr, LRD_VAR_DESC *mptVarDesc, char *mpszValStrFmt, unsigned long muliOption, int miDBErrorSeverity );

mptCursor A pointer to an LRD_CURSOR structure.
mpszPlaceholder A pointer to a string containing the placeholder name.
mpcValStr A pointer to the input value string, or NULL. If the value is not NULL, the string can be parameterized.
mptVarDesc A pointer to the descriptor of a variable being bound.
mpszValStrFmt The input value format: LRD_VAL_STR_FMT_ type where type can be DFLT or RAW.
muliOption One of the Binding Options
miDBErrorSeverity The Error Severity Levels of a failure in a database routine.

The lrd_assign_bind function assigns a null-terminated string value to a scalar variable and binds the variable to a placeholder. If the string is not null-terminated, use lrd_assign_bind_ext or lrd_assign_bind_literal. This function performs the functions of both lrd_assign and lrd_bind_placeholder, but it is limited to scalar type variables.

For more details refer to the Function Header File lrd.h in the include directory.

Return Values

See LRD Return Values.


The following argument can be parameterized using standard parameterization: mpcValStr