
Example: lrd_result_set_extRetrieval Handling Functions

Prepares a result set and returns a CtLib return code and type.

LRDRET lrd_result_set_ext( LRD_CURSOR *mptCursor, long mliOpt1, long mliOpt2, long *mpliReturnCode, long *mpliResultType, int miDBErrorSeverity );

mptCursor A pointer to an LRD_CURSOR structure.
mliOpt1 One of the Result Set options,Option 1 LRD_CTLIB_RETCODE_xxx
mliOpt2 One of the Result Set options, Option 2 LRD_RESULT_SET_CTLIB_OPT2_xxx
mpliReturnCode The return-code from ct_results at replay time. Typically it should match mliOpt1.
mpliResultType The result-type from ct_results at replay time. Typically it should match mliOpt2.
miDBErrorSeverity The Error Severity Levels of a failure in a database routine.

The lrd_result_set_ext function prepares the next result set for printing a character string (usually an SQL statement) with a cursor. It issues a ct_result for the current database statement.

This function is similar to lrd_result_set, except that for CtLib, it returns a CtLib return-code and result type.

By default, VuGen generates the lrd_result_set function when preparing a result set. To instruct VuGen to generate the extended result set function, lrd_result_set_ext, perform the following steps:

Choose Tools > Recording Options.

Click the Advanced button and select the Generate extended result set     statement check box.

For more details refer to the Function Header File lrd.h in the include directory.

Return Values

See LRD Return Values.


You cannot use standard parameterization for any arguments in this function.