
Example: soap_requestWeb Services Functions (SOAP, WEB_SERVICE, Silverlight)

Performs a SOAP request.

int soap_request( const char *StepName,ExpectedResponse, URL, <XMLEnvelope>, [Attachments,] LAST );
StepName The name of the step, as it appears in the test tree. Any text can be used.
ExpectedResponse The type of response to accept. See details below.
URL The URL (Uniform Resource Locator) of the web service to load.
XMLEnvelope For the following list of required elements, use the following string format:
"Element=value"SOAPEnvelope: the XML packet sent to the server.Snapshot: the name of the .inf file containing a snapshot of the step.ResponseParam: the name of the output parameter in which to store the server response.
Attachments For details, see Attachment Specifications.
LAST A marker which indicates the end of the List of specifications

The soap_request function performs a SOAP request. It sends a SOAP packet to the specified URL and receives the server response.

The expected response is one of the following:

Value Effect
"ExpectedResponse=SoapResult" Accept SOAP output responses and fail on SOAP faults.
Accept SOAP faults and fail on SOAP output responses.
Accept both SOAP output and SOAP fault responses.

This function is generated when you record a SOAP session over HTTP without providing the WSDL file of the corresponding Web Service.

Return Values

This function returns LR_PASS (0) on success, and LR_FAIL (1) on failure. Note that in many cases, this return value indicates the technical success of the function, and not the result. For example, a function that registers a string to be found in a subsequent step returns LR_PASS to indicate that the registration was successful. This does not indicate that the string was found in the server response.


The following arguments may be parameterized: URL, XMLEnvelope, value (of elements).